Justin11028's Comments (10)

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Below are comments about Justin11028's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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justin we have enjoyed seeing your art and looking forward to seeing more . keep up the hard work . we are very proud of you . love you mamaw
-- pamela
- on May 8, 2012
justin we are so proud of the hard work you have put into your art. mamaw and papaw are so happy that you got to be apart of this artsonia . we hope to see many more of your art on here as you go threw your life. looking forward to seeing more love ya . mamaw and papaw
-- pamela
- on May 8, 2012
Looking good! Keep up the good work.
-- Rick
- on April 18, 2012
best of luck young man, you have great talent .
-- sandra
- on April 11, 2012
justin your doing such a wonderful job with your art we are so proud of all the hard work you are doing.we just love it awsome job buddy.
-- pamela
- on March 29, 2012
Justin, Good job on the design and cutout of the vase. All I can say about up close with Frosty is, Too Cool! I can see you put a lot of nice colr in the African Kente' cloth weaving projectl I know your Dad will be proud of you, just as we are. We Love You Always! Uncle Sam & Aunt Viola
-- Viola
- on March 29, 2012
great job we love your art love you mamaw and papaw
-- pamela
- on January 18, 2012
Great work Justin, We are so proud of you. Keep up the great work in school. love you, nana & Tucker
-- marilyn
- on January 12, 2012
we are so proud of you justin great job.love you mamaw
-- pamela
- on January 10, 2012
great job justin.very beautiful job . we are so proud of you.
-- pamela
- on January 8, 2012