Giszele1's Comments (10)

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Below are comments about Giszele1's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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This owl looks so peaceful. He must have had a big juicy mouse for supper. I love how your paper looks textured. How did you make the paper for this collage? Did you print marks bubble wrap? Great Job. Thank you for sharing your art!
-- S
- on May 4, 2014
This is awesome Giszele your at work continues to amaze me keep up the good work and let your imagination run wild cause without imagination you have a blank mind. ? mommy
-- Daisy
- on May 1, 2013
Nice job! This is very imaginative and creative! This is one of my favorite projects for the year. Can you tell me what your favorite project is?
- Mary (teacher at Peggy Carnahan Elementary) on April 15, 2013
That's awesome:))
-- Shanna
- on April 5, 2013
Your art work is pretty cool good work Giszele
-- Shanna
- on November 11, 2012
Awesome Giszele keep up the good work!! :)
-- Shanna
- on November 11, 2012
Wow this is a very beautiful picture. I hope you continue to draw and inspires us with your drawings. This is my farvoite one, filled will so many colors. looking forward to see more wonderful work. Love ya
-- Sylvia
- on January 16, 2012
Giszele, Your art work is Awesome Keep up the Beautiful work ;-)
-- Shanna
- on January 16, 2012
Giszele you will one day be an amazing artist, I believe better than Picasso himself ;)
-- Daisy
- on January 10, 2012
Giszele your art work is beautiful, keep up the fantastic work and one day you'll be better than the great Picasso... XOXO Daddy <3
-- Gabriel
- on January 10, 2012