What a super-hero! Wondered if you used clay for this project. I see big x-ray eyes to see into and through large objects, long arms to reach out, hold or comfort someone. Something is on the heart, but I cannot tell what it is. -- Carol
- on October 11, 2017
Looks like a fireworks night. I really like the dark buildings with windows and different things on the tops. Either there were fireworks in the sky or contrails from multiple planes or just a colorful sky! -- Carol
- on October 1, 2017
You should frame and date your picture of your school. Clever way to show stairs. and the rounded ends of the building. You could become an architect! -- Carol
- on October 1, 2017
Looks like a Halloween night to me! Huge moon, great trees and some in the distance! How much you are learning about drawing things far away! -- Carol
- on October 1, 2017
CONNOR - love the way you incorporate your name into a surreal face! Ten fingers, eyes, nose, maybe holes for ears and only top teeth! Very colorful! -- Carol
- on October 1, 2017
Your hot chocolate looks good enough to drink! Love the shadow on the mat and the use of reds and blues. Wish that I had had the art experiences you are having in school! How lucky you are! -- Carol
- on October 1, 2017
A picture of global warming!!! Frosty is telling us something! Global warming is a threat to the world. I really like the modernism of this picture! You are so creative Connor! -- Carol
- on October 1, 2017
I surmise that your head with your eyes to see,nose to smell, and brain to think and solve problems, and your mouth to speak and ears to listen are the reason your head is suuperimposed on your very handsome body! You look like a small person on a stand - a plastic figure that you could play with! A STAR! -- Carol
- on October 1, 2017
Wow! Organic art work!!! Love the trees, the flowers and the use of only 5 colors! Looks lime you missed your path to home! Did you get lost? Did you do the white trees first? You are so creative! I liked the torn edges! - so creative! I am sure you get your artistic talent from your grandpa Jack. Lucky you! -- Carol
- on October 1, 2017
Keep that homework helper charged! Maybe I could use it for my billd -- Carol
- on October 1, 2017
Love the name illustration! Very Creative!! -- Carol
- on November 27, 2016
This looks like a 3-D project!!! See you know how to sew - a skill you can always use!! Your magic partner has something to say, but now for me to see! -- Carol
- on November 27, 2016
Connor I guess that you are doing a watercolor painting with a bright sun over a fishing boat. There seems to be a shark following your boat! Maybe the shark wants your fish!! I do like the way you blended the colors of the sky. I know it is hard to control watercolors, especially if you have too much water! You seem do do a good job! Wish there was a way to view the teacher comment about your picture before I wrote a comment. -- Carol
- on January 3, 2016
Connor I guess that you are doing a watercolor painting with a bright sun over a fishing boat. There seems to be a shark following your boat! Maybe the shark wants your fish!! I do like the way you blended the colors of the sky. I know it is hard to control watercolors, especially if you have too much water! You seem do do a good job! -- Carol
- on January 3, 2016
Your dad used to draw horses ALL the time!! Your drawing is lifelike! I like the color of the horse. What colors did you blend to get your rich chestnut? Looks like maybe a rich red with brown! Right? -- Carol
- on October 28, 2015
Great painting. Love you tons. Daddy. -- Bob
- on October 28, 2015
Connnor, you draw thie best faces!! Thought this guy was sleeping tyhen noticed his right eye!! Surprise. Also like your shades of blue with green pattern. You have a great sense of color!! Keep drawing - you have a gift and genes from your Grandpa Jack!! -- Carol
- on October 28, 2015
Connor there is some trouble receiving your Artsonia pictures. Lots of intricate details, and something green over some of the designs. Help me to know what this picture means. -- Carol
- on October 28, 2015
Hi Connor, I did find each letter!!! C is the bottom mouth, O 's are your eyes, N are your ears,, hair or wrinkles, and R is the top head on the left!!! Very clever Connor Michael!!! Am I correct?? Look at those teeth and tongue on the bottom - a BIG smile from the sunshine boy! Love Grandma B -- Carol
- on March 5, 2014
Connor I love this winter tree scene. It reminds me of the picture your grandpa Jack did for your family! You really do have a good sense of color and shadows! I am happy you tried this new way of shadowing, and happier that you like it!!! Bet you are seeing lots of trees like this snow picture outside!!! Do you still draw for fun at home? Love you and all the nice things you do! -- Carol
- on January 30, 2014
Connor, I really enjoyed this painting. You seem to have captured the essence of a true winter storm. I feel not only the coldness but the lonliness of winter in this painting. -- Grandpa Jack
- on January 28, 2014
Dear Connor, I enjoyed the Winter Birch scene. The stillness of the simple black and white image leaves me feeling deep solitude. Winters are about resting and collecting energy for new growth in springtime. I enjoy this time of hibernation that is provided by nature. I'm so glad you continue to enjoy expressing yourself in your art work. Love, Nana -- Tammy
- on January 28, 2014
Connor I did not see the Pac Man picture until today!! You do like to use different colors creatively! You do have a flair for detail! Love, Grandma Carol -- Carol
- on November 5, 2013
Wow Connor!!! I love the background of Chicago in the background!! The grass is like the fall grass too! It looks like you folded the paper in half and made one side the opposite of the other!! It must have taken alot of concentration to do this work!!! You really have a fantastic sense of design!! `Grandma Carol -- Carol
- on November 5, 2013
Dear Connor, Another very colorful South African bird in the wilderness. You DO have a gift for chooseing colors! It must be hard to draw a bird in flight!! You sure did a good job with the wing spread. Keep drawing!! You just get better and better! Love, Grandma Burke -- Carol
- on June 5, 2013
Dear Connor, Wow! You made a great mirror of the skaters on the ice. WishI knew how to do that. You really do have a beautiful sense of color. You make the skaters "pop out". I also liked the fishermen. In Wisconsin we used to see huts on the ice for fishermen. I can see the fish under the ice too. The bait must really be delicious to to attract so many fish. You really are an artistic person. Hope you continue to enjoy painting ,chalks, and watercolors. Love you artist Connor, Grandma Carol -- Carol
- on April 3, 2013
Dear Connor, 3-D King Connor! Your circle looks like a real ball rounded out! The google eyes are fun, not scary! The ring nose look like you could maybe put a dart into it! And the mouth looks like a small bowl! I also loved the hair which looks to me like a marker pack??? Is it? Your use of colors makes everything stand out. I do believe that "Connor is Cool"!!! Love you, Grandma Burke -- Carol
- on January 31, 2013
Dear Connor, The huge tree in the center of the picture looks like the big tree in front of your old house! You really draw good people playing in the snow. You really drew a snow storm!!! And I do not have to ask what you used to make this picture! Are you thinking of becoming an artist? Maybe this is a great hobby to share with your other grandfather. Love you artist boy! Grandma Burek -- Carol
- on December 18, 2012
Dear Connor, Wow! You really do have an "eye" for color, design and symmetry!! Did you use chalk for this art work? I am trying to identify this figure with elephant ears (with earrings), vivid google eyes like raccoon. head shaped like deer, bits of hair like a clown, A HUGE mustache, and lips like fingers!! What could it be??? I enjoy all the colors and shading. You really are an artist!! Love you and your art work! -- Carol
- on December 4, 2012
Hi Connor, Your symmetrical germ looks like a nice guy. Are there such things as good germs. He's a real work of art that I wouldn't mind living with. What a fun project. You must have a very creative art teacher. I look forward to meeting Mr. Germ when I come visit. Love Nana -- Tammy
- on December 2, 2012
Connor, I love this painting of the pumkins at night time. The colors are just right for me. I like the way you used the complimentary colors of deep blue and orange and the quite warm color of orange with the cool colors of blue and orange. You also showed depth in the painting as the pumkins got smaller and less detailed in the distance. Finally I like that you put the moon off to one side rather than in the middle. That makes the painting more interesting. Love, Grandpa Jack -- Grandpa Jack
- on November 6, 2012
Connor, I always enjoy looking at your artwork. I love the bright colors that you used in this picture. It looks like you took your time and paid a lot of attention to the detail. -- Mom
- on October 30, 2012
Hi Connor, I enjoyed seeing the pumpkin patch painting you did. The crescent moon and stars make me believe it must be night time. Great colors! Love Nana -- Nana
- on October 29, 2012
Dear 7year old Connor, Now that you are older I can see that you are able to make things in the back of the picture seem farther away. How did you do the prints? Did you use your finger to make the pumpkins? Using a bigger finger to make the pumpkins at the bottom and smaller finger for the ppumpkins farther away? How ever you did it, I love the vibrant colors, and the indentations on the pumpkins! Your picture reminds me of the year we had the bumper crop of pumpkins in our garden. Remember when you tried to pick the biggest pumpkin?? And how heavy it was? Keep of the fantastic art work! It makes me smile! Love you, Grandma Carol -- Carol
- on October 29, 2012
Connor I love the lady bug. Can I have this for my office? Love, Dad -- Bob
- on October 22, 2012
Dear Connor, LOVE the LadyBug!! Looks like she is talking to me! Also like the shading you did with the leaf background - you will have to tell me how you did that. Especially liked the antenna - they are almost llike sunglasses for the expressive eyes! You are very creative! Love you, Grandma Carol -- Carol
- on October 16, 2012
I love your lady bug. Thank you Connor. Grandpa -- Jack
- on October 16, 2012
Dear Connor, I love the brilliant colors and look forward to seeing it in person. The background looks very interesting. Love Nana -- Nana