Rosalie, Your technique contintues to evolve. We like the use of color which you so vibrantly employ! Gramsey and Gramp -- John
- on April 18, 2015
Rosalie, We loved the way the luggage identifiers look. We've attached them to our suitcases! Because they are so cool, we are ordering more, which we will give to Aunt Katie. Love, Grampy and Gramsie -- John
- on June 4, 2015
Hello Rosalie, I like your vase full of flowers. I especially like your bright pink background! Did you have real flowers to look at when you made this picture? Love, Grandma Dora -- Grandma
- on January 14, 2015
Rosalie, We love your art....especially the big city! Wonderful colors! Now we love you and your art! Love, Gramsey and Gramp -- Gramsey and Gramp