Ethan,grandmom is so proud of all of your masterpieces keep up the good work we love you dgrnadmom & grandad -- Joyce
- on October 19, 2011
LOVE IT LOVE IT LOVE IT !!! Ethan you did such a great job of you and your sister :) This is precious!
- on May 14, 2011
Love this fish.... so colorful. Reminds me of a story :) -- Lesley
- on May 14, 2011
Reminds me of one of my favorite artists... Georgia O..... Wonderful my love :) -- Lesley
- on May 14, 2011
Love it Ethan !!! The detail in your little bug is awesome :) You are a very talented artist - keep up the good work. -- Lesley
- on May 14, 2011
awsome work e i love it -- clayton
- on November 16, 2010
asome art big e love it -- clayton
- on November 16, 2010
great work Ethan love your choice of colors looks so springy lots of love from grandmom & grandad -- joyce
- on May 31, 2010
nice art bro. looks great think moms gonna love it keep the great art coming love you clayton :-) -- clayton
- on May 3, 2010
nice work it !!
- on January 31, 2010
nice work bro. love it !
- on January 31, 2010
Great job Ethan !!! Awesome use of color and space ! Love Mommy
- on January 6, 2010
AWESOME !!! Love it ! What a great job. I think I would like to buy a frame and put this up during winter time !!! Keep up the great work - Love Mommy
- on January 6, 2010
Love your artwork !!! It is awesome. Keep up the good work.
- on November 18, 2009
Keep up the GREAT work E !!! I especially love your use of color and how you are not sticking with the norm and doing what feels right to you has an artist !! Mom loves it !!
- on May 12, 2009
I love the teeth detail..........very good stuff.....
- on March 12, 2009
Ethan, Grandmom & Granddad are so proud of you and all that you have accomplished. You did a great job on this airplane I wish I could draw like you. Keep up the good work!!
Love Grandmom and Grandad
- on January 30, 2009
I guess you got the looks in the family!!
- on January 26, 2009
E, this is FANTASTIC!! I love the self portrait.
- on January 26, 2009
LOVE IT ! LOVE IT ! LOVE IT !!! Mom needs to print this out on a magnet so I can put it on my refrig for all to see !! Keep up the drawing - I am so very proud of you ! Love Mommy
- on January 23, 2009
Ethan - I love your work !! Keep drawing my little artist! I am just so excited to see your talent grow and develope ! It is awesome!!!