Mark3053's Comments (6)

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Below are comments about Mark3053's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Mark, Keep up the good work. You are getting better and better with each new project. Gramma is so proud of you. Thank you so much for my coffee mug. I use it every day and tell everyone that the artwork is your. Love, Gramma
-- Pat
- on January 4, 2013
Hi Mark- Great job, Buddy!! I still love looking at all of your artwork... Keep up the good work. Love, Mommy
-- Sarah
- on January 4, 2013
Hi Mark- Gramma and I are looking at your tree. It is absolutely beautiful! We love looking at your art work. You are very talented and we love you very much. Keep up the good work!! Love, Mommy and Gramma
-- Sarah
- on December 5, 2012
Mark, Gramma loves your artwork. Keep up the good work.
-- Pat
- on October 25, 2012
Hi Mark! I love your picture. It looks just like you! I guess this means you are a pretty happy kid, since your smile is soooooo big. I love your tractor, too!! I will see you after school- Love, Mommy
-- Sarah
- on February 14, 2012
Hi Buddy! I love looking at your art. You are so talented and I can tell you work very hard. See you after school! Love, Mommy
-- Sarah
- on February 14, 2012