Kathryn1463's Comments (8)

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Below are comments about Kathryn1463's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Hi Katy!! Very nice work! Your elephant is different and very unique! As usual you have done a great job and I'm very proud of you! I love you!! Grandpa
-- grandpa
- on September 10, 2012
Beautiful job Kathryn!! I love your work!!!!!!!
-- Mom
- on March 28, 2012
Hi Katy! Wow you are really cranking out the projects! The bridge thing is beautifull! I didn't think you would have a new one this quick. Great Work!!!!!!!!!!! Love, Grandpa
-- Grandpa
- on March 28, 2012
Hi Katy! Very nice work! You are getting to be very talented and I really like your green eggs and ham idea. Looking forward to your next creation! Love, Grandpa.
-- Grandpa
- on March 28, 2012
Hi Katy! I really like your latest piece of art. That is a beautifull tree!!! You did a good job contributing to the school project! Keep up the good work. I'm very proud of you. Love you, Grandpa.
-- Grandpa
- on March 28, 2012
Love your picture you are becoming a great Artist. Keep up the good work. Love You
-- Dad
- on February 17, 2012
Kathryn: Your latest creation looks wonderful. You are doing a very good job! I am very happy that Mom invited me to see your work and I will continue to follow your progress. All My Love, Grandpa
-- grandpa
- on February 7, 2012
What a great penguin! You are a talented artist! I love being able to see the projects you are creating in Art Class! xoxoxoxoxo
-- Mom
- on January 21, 2012