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Deliah10's Comments
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Below are comments about Deliah10's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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DeeDee. I love your art work. I ordered a few gifts for Christmas. Keep up the great work. I love you bunches!!! Auntie
-- Frances
- on February 20, 2013
DD, I like all the bright colors you use in your artwork. Can you draw a baseball field for me? Uncle Jesse
-- Uncle Jesse
- on February 20, 2013
Dear DeeDee, your new art is just great. I love the bright bold colors you chose. Keep up the good work;it makes my eyes happy. love, Mima
-- Mima
- on November 4, 2012
I like all of your artwork so much that it was not easy for me to pick out just one. I am looking forward to seeing lots more.
-- Willafay
- on December 8, 2011
Very nice Deliah. Aunt-ie Fran and Uncle Cletus both looked at all of you artwork!!!
-- Cletus
- on December 8, 2011
Your art looks great Deliah! I know what I want for Christmas from little miss DD...
-- tiffany
- on October 17, 2011
Beautiful bumble bee
-- Kate
- on October 11, 2011
Awesome work Deliah!!!!!!!!
-- Matthew
- on October 7, 2011
Deliah wants pom poms for Christmas. I guess she's putting in her bid early!
-- Kate
- on October 7, 2011