Isaiah3220's Comments (14)

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Below are comments about Isaiah3220's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Nice job! I think you are going to be a great artist.
-- honiala
- on April 20, 2012
Great elements of art illustrations!
-- Ms. Veal
- on January 5, 2012
This bird feasting on a snake pencil drawing is fantastic! Nice value work!
-- Ms. Veal
- on January 5, 2012
The design is incredible! How long did you spend designing it Isaiah?
-- Ms. Veal
- on January 5, 2012
This piece of artwork is cool! I like the combination of night and day.
-- Ms. Veal
- on December 15, 2011
Great job of using the entire space! Nice bold letters, very neat and easy to read.
-- Ms. Veal
- on December 15, 2011
it looks real and everything is well detailed i love it!
-- anjolie
- on December 9, 2011
This piece of artwork is interesting! I like it!
-- Ms. Veal
- on December 9, 2011
This is a fabulous piece of artwork! Very realistic! What inspired this piece Isaiah?
-- Ms. Veal
- on December 7, 2011
Your robot has received rave reviews!
-- Ms. Veal
- on December 7, 2011
Your form robot is very unique! I like it!
-- Ms. Veal
- on December 7, 2011
Your robot is great!
-- Ms. Veal
- on December 6, 2011
that is a nice photo
-- isaiah
- on November 21, 2011
that is very nice
-- isaiah
- on November 21, 2011