I hope one of the scoops is lactose free for Caden! Good detail on the cone and toppings. -- Grandma
- on September 23, 2015
Nice! Looks like my king of car, the tinted windows to keep the hot rays out, the matching wheels and paint job, and the fire blowing out of the sides showing it's fast!!!!!! -- Grandma
- on April 27, 2015
Great work! looks like Picasso's work! -- Grandma
- on April 27, 2015
Love it , Love it, Love it : - ) -- Maryann
- on April 27, 2015
I like your turtle, he is one of your favorite animals glad you got to sculpt him. -- Grandma
- on April 27, 2015
This is really cool you did a great job! -- Grandma
- on April 27, 2015
Good job! You got to make one of your favorite animals. -- Grandma
- on April 27, 2015
This is so awesome! You did a great job! This is so unique. -- Grandma
- on April 27, 2015
T, He looks like the turtle that lives in Grammy Ann's back yard! Good Job! Love You -- Maryann
- on April 27, 2015
Good job on the snowman circle you created. -- grandma
- on April 27, 2015
Good job! Lots of work put into this. -- Grandma
- on April 27, 2015
nice mural, I like a lot! -- Grandma
- on April 27, 2015
I love rainbows! Vary nice -- Grandma
- on April 27, 2015
A nice spring day! Good choice of colors! -- Grandma
- on April 27, 2015
Wow Talan; this is a beautiful spring landscape! -- Mary Ann
- on April 27, 2015
Nice color blending with the hint of magenta. Good Job! -- Grandma
- on April 27, 2015
I like your crazy creature and I love the shooting star with the rainbow tails. -- Grandma
- on April 27, 2015
lovely work Talan! I really appreciate your creativity! -- Mary Ann
- on April 27, 2015
Talan... This is awesome! I love it!!! -- Dad
- on April 30, 2014
Great detail I see the man on the moons face! Keep up the good work. -- Grandma
- on March 31, 2014
He looks like he is sleeping soooooooooooooooo comfortable. -- Grandma
- on January 15, 2014
awesome! -- Grandma
- on January 15, 2014
Like your snake he's got personality! -- Grandma
- on January 15, 2014
Sssssssssssweet !!!!! -- Dad
- on November 7, 2013
Talan I love your work. It looks like you put a lot of thought into this piece. Hugs to you! Love -grammy ann -- Mary Ann
- on October 28, 2013
This is one cool looking snake. I love the hat! -- Tasha
- on October 28, 2013
I like this pottery you made and white was a good choice of colors because it will match any room it is displayed in. -- Grandma
- on April 3, 2013
Beautiful color! I can see you put a lot of hard work into your tiled background. -- Grandma
- on April 3, 2013
I like your happy pig picture! Keep up the good work. -- Grandma
- on April 3, 2013
Nice job on the star and I like the extra pictures around the star too, a heart, a smiley face,and someone sledding and many more. -- Grandma
- on December 27, 2012
You sure drew the right Tacky he looks like he can fool anybody! -- Grandma
- on December 27, 2012
What a nice story about the rainbow fish. I see you helped him find little friends .Good job! I like the beautiful smile on his face I see he's happy. -- Grandma
- on December 27, 2012
This is a great work of Art. The colors are beautiful, he looks like he's looking at me! Love Grandma -- Grandma
- on December 27, 2012
Now you know you ABC's, Great job Talan,Nice color picks they look good together -- Grandma
- on December 27, 2012
vary good job your picture is perfect ! I love to look a lady bugs -- Grandma
- on December 27, 2012
This is one made the wall of art......good job little buddy -- dad
- on May 17, 2012
Good Job Talan man..... -- dad
- on May 17, 2012
One of my favorite pieces ...... -- DAD
- on May 17, 2012
Beautiful color mixing! Vary good job you made it look 3D. -- Grandma
- on May 17, 2012
GOOD job! Nice colors they match well together. Your bug looks so happy. -- Grandma
- on May 17, 2012
Great work Talan! Love it! -- Erin
- on May 17, 2012
Beautiful colors it looks like were getting ready for Tulip Time. -- Grandma
- on May 17, 2012
Great job, this is one cool robot, I like what you did on his stomach! -- Tasha
- on May 17, 2012
This owl is so cute. I like how you made the brown look like real hair. -- Tasha
- on May 17, 2012
Cool Talan he looks just like the one you made at Christmas,your a pro! -- Grandma
- on May 17, 2012
Vary good work he looks so real! -- Grandma
- on May 17, 2012
These are so nice and colorful, and you did a great cutting them out. -- Tasha
- on March 21, 2012
Now this is the coolest fish I have ever seen. I love the colors! -- Tasha
- on March 21, 2012
Wow Talan your getting good. Great Job!! -- Tasha
- on March 21, 2012
Yum Yum looks almost good enough to eat! Your such a great artist! -- Tasha
- on March 21, 2012
Talan, I love it. This is a bug that I would like and not be scared of:) -- Aunt Tasha
- on March 21, 2012
I see you remembered your sprinkles! It's just like the ones we make at grandmas house. -- Grandma
- on March 21, 2012
I love your buggy bug! Nice color matching ,good job. -- Grandma
- on March 21, 2012
Mr. Talan Man! I love those snazzy mittens you colored! Hugs, Grammy Ann -- Mary Ann
- on March 21, 2012
Vary good job! I really like the colors you picked -- Grandma
- on March 21, 2012
Love your snowman it's just like the one you build outside -- grandma
- on December 15, 2011
Your fish is smiling because he knows he has beautiful colors -- Grandma
- on December 15, 2011
Vary good picture keep up the good work -- Grandma
- on December 15, 2011
Good imagination! It looks like a person sitting on your middle finger and a alligator on your ring finger. -- Grandma
- on November 11, 2011
I love miss sunshine's eyes. Good job! -- grandma
- on November 11, 2011
I love the fat cat and mouse. Great job! -- Grandma
- on November 11, 2011
I love your creativity.......Good job -- vernon
- on November 11, 2011
What a beautiful sun! Mommy loves the background too. -- lindsey
- on October 31, 2011
Ahhh is your hand. Great job tracing and cutting it out so good. -- Tasha
- on October 31, 2011
Love the silly sun. Really do like the tongue and eyelashes! Good job T! -- Tasha