Connor5880's Comments (8)

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Below are comments about Connor5880's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Connor - You must be getting a lot of snow to build a snowman! Cool!
-- Amanda
- on April 5, 2012
Beautiful flower. Did you give it to mommy for Christmas. I bet she would love it.
-- Papa Buddy
- on December 11, 2011
Is this a picture or your new baby brother???
-- papa Buddy
- on November 15, 2011
Scary Halloween cat? I think I saw this cat living in your barn.
-- Papa Buddy
- on November 11, 2011
When are we going on a ride on your new roller coaster???
-- papa Buddy
- on November 11, 2011
Cool roller coaster! Can I come over and ride on it sometime? It looks so scary, I don't know if I could ride it by myself. Maybe we could ride it together.
-- Papa Buddy
- on November 11, 2011
That is an Awesome Pizza Connor! You are making me hungry!! :)
-- Aunt Carrie
- on November 11, 2011
mmmmmmm! You pizza made me hungry! Papa Buddy
-- papa buddy
- on October 12, 2011