Arshawn2's Comments (8)

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Below are comments about Arshawn2's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Hey Shawn this is the second time I have viewed your artwork but the first time I commented. I am very impressed with your creative expression . You have a good eye for color , keep up the good work.... Tina
-- Tina
- on June 3, 2013
Hey that's pretty jazzy there. Love the colors. So you said you wanted to be an artist right. Great job.
-- Yolanda
- on April 11, 2013
Hey. Nice work. I love abstracts and used to do stuff like this when I was in school; but, I was just fooling around to past the time. Didn't have anything like this back then.
-- Aunt Vet
- on April 6, 2013
Good job! Keep up the good work! -Cousin Mo
-- Monetta
- on April 6, 2013
Wow great Job!!! What an improvement from your last artwork. I knew you could do it if you really put your mind to it. Keep up the great work!!
-- Mom
- on April 6, 2013
Hey, this family has nothing but talented people. Great job.
-- Yolanda
- on November 5, 2011
Hey Shawn Didn't know you were an artist. Good work
-- Auntie Vet
- on October 31, 2011
Nice artwork! I see that you've improved on your art. Keep up the good work!
-- Kennetta
- on October 28, 2011