Briseis2's Comments (5)

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Below are comments about Briseis2's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Never disappointed with my babies work.
-- Annalisa
- on October 12, 2016
Great work Briseis, love the detail on his chest and horns.
- on June 1, 2015
Briseis You always manage to our do your self my little lady. Since you wear in daycare you would always paint hearts. Another picture to frame in the house to our collection. Lovely Love you~mom
- on May 15, 2015
Briseis you have such a creative imagination, keep up the great work. Love u
-- Annalisa
- on December 24, 2014
Very creative and cute, good job keep up the good work, Love you from Mom and Dad.
- on October 9, 2011