Maya, I love this picure of your room! It's nice to see that you added Neko-Chan and included your special mural. -- Love, Mommy
- on October 2, 2014
Maya, I like your drawing of your room. Be sure to keep it clean , that will help mom too. see you soom. Love MEMA -- mema
- on October 2, 2014
This still life with autumn themes is very nice. You did a great job on the goose. I know you were upset that you never had a chance to finish it, but I still think it is great. Thank you for such amazing artwork. -- Mommy
- on June 13, 2013
What a beautiful blue sky! It sure does look like summer and the fairy looks so happy! Nice work! -- Mommy
- on June 12, 2013
I like this ginger bread sculpture. I love that the cats are Neko-chan and Cora. Do you miss Cora? I do. She was a great kitty and I think she would be glad to know you included her in your art work! Nice job! -- Mommy
- on June 12, 2013
I can feel the love from this collage. I loved seeing it displayed at the art show! We are so proud of your artwork this year. Nice job! -- Mommy
- on June 12, 2013
I really *LOVE* this sculpture. It looks just like you. I was so thrilled to see this in the art show. Nice work! -- Mommy
- on June 12, 2013
I really like the colors you used for this project. It reminds me of the blue oceans and pinks sand...and of flowers! Nice work! -- Mommy
- on June 12, 2013
I like your bears. I wonder what their names are? It's nice to have play dates with your friends! Great job! -- Mommy
- on June 12, 2013
Nice work on your dinosaur! I like how they are playing with each other and not hunting each other! The trees in the back are very nice too! -- Mommy
- on June 12, 2013
LOVE IT! -- Don
- on June 12, 2013
Maya you did a great job on your angle!!! Pop-pops and I will be seeing you and Schuyler on Chrristmas morningl Love and hugs, Mema -- Mema & Pop-Pops
- on June 12, 2013
Maya your pumpkin patch picture is GREAT! You do a GREAT JOB WITH YOUR PICTURES!! I can tell you had lots of fun drawing the pumpkins. Last year we had lots of fun cutting out your pumpkins at our house too. Hope to see you soon. Love and Hugs Mema
- on October 28, 2012
Maya, I really enjoyed looking at your Pumpkin Patch picture at school today and was surprised to already see it on Artsonia! Great job once again. You are a wonderful artist! Love you! -- Mommy
- on October 25, 2012
You rock Maya :) Love the newest drawing! Catch you later alligator! -- Jen
- on September 30, 2012
Maya, Tinkerbell and her friends look like they are having lots of fun playing in the wind. Do you like to play in the wind with your kites? When I was a young girl I loved to fly kites in the wind and pretend that I was flying with them. You do a great job on your art work. It shows how much you enjoy drawing. Keep up the good work. Hope to see you soon. Love Mema -- Mema Rita
- on September 30, 2012
MAYA! What a wonderful group of happy faces! It makes me happy and reminds me off all my Muppet friends! -- Don
- on March 21, 2012
- on March 21, 2012
Love the colors and the faces! I can tell you are having lots of fun creating art at school! -- Roberta
- on February 29, 2012
MAYA, your art work is beautiful...... Good job!!! love Aunt Laurenda
- on February 29, 2012
What a great snowman! He looks like he is having a lot of fun playing in the snow. Did you get to play in the snow yet? You have had a lot more snow at your house, than we have had at our house. Looking forward to seeing you real soon. Love Mema
- on February 1, 2012
Love it, Maya! -- Jason
- on February 1, 2012
Maya! I love the bright red that you made the vehicles! It reminds me of the years I spent in the North Pole making toys for Santa! We elves used to drive a small go-carts that looked a lot like the ones in your pictures. Hey--did you work for Santa, too? I'll never forget those days with Jolly Old Saint Nick. Hopefully we can all get together soon and share a cup of holiday cheer (maybe I'll tell you all about Santa's favorite fruit...) --Don the Elf
- on December 17, 2011
Hi Maya! Is that Granddady Bobs airplane and tractor? Is he helping plant some flowers? Pop-Pop and Mema really like your pictures. Will you draw us one for Christmas? Hope to see you soon. Love Mema & Pop-Pops
- on December 17, 2011
Maya I love your pictures are you going to do more? They look like the leaves I have in my yard. Love you, Grandma Doris
- on November 23, 2011
Dear Maya, I love your art work. Keep up the good work, Arnie and I love it. Love Gran
- on November 15, 2011
Hi Maya... I am so proud of you. Your pictures are wonderful and the Fall Leaves are so pretty that I have printed it out, bought a frame for it and am going to hang it in my living room. Thank you. -- Nana
- on November 9, 2011
Hi Maya, Mema & Pop-pops loved your pictures of the leaves. We also enjoyed your visit last weekend. We had lots of fun making cookies and cutting out your Jack-O-lanterns. See you soon. Loove Mema & Pop-pops -- Mema & Pop-Pops
- on November 9, 2011
Maya, Your drawings are really perrty just like you. I really like the purple one but both are great. Thanks for sharing them Love Auntie Carol -- Carol
- on November 8, 2011
The picture is like the leaf races we kept watching as the blustery winds kept stirring up the leaves and spinning them around in the air. I am looking forward to seek g your next masterpiece! I love you and am so proud! -- Mommy
- on November 8, 2011
Maya, I love that you are so creative and was so proud when I saw this picture hanging up in the hall at school. Keep up the great work and keep on creating! -- Mommy
- on November 8, 2011
I do like your pictures. You did a great job. Thank you for sending them to me.I love you very much. Grandma -- Doris
- on November 8, 2011
Hi, Maya: I enjoyed both pieces of your art, but especially like the one of the leaves. (I remember painting leaves when I was in kindergarten ... that was a long time ago.) Thank you for sharing your artwork with me. :-) Poppy -- Robert
- on November 7, 2011
Maya your art work is beautiful!!! Thank you so much for sharing it with us. Your pictures make me smile :) -- Aunt Laurenda
- on November 6, 2011
Beautiful pictures Maya! Thanks for sharing with us! -- Roberta
- on November 5, 2011
Hi Maya! I am so proud of you and your artwork. Thank you for sharing it with me. I look forward to your next exhibition. Hugs & kisses to you, Schuyler .& your mom & dad -- Grandma Bar