Your use of multi media is awesome! Way to go!!! -- Jeanine
- on April 12, 2017
Dear Savannah, this painting is by far your best work. Love it. Deedee -- Joanna
- on April 12, 2017
Dear Savannah, that is a beautiful and graceful flower. Excellent work. Love deedee -- Joanna
- on April 12, 2017
Savannah, that is one of the most beautiful flowers I have ever seen. Love Deedee -- Joanna
- on April 12, 2017
Beautiful... Love it Savannah!!!! -- Dad
- on April 12, 2017
Savannah, As always your artwork is colorful and imaginative. Keep up the good work. Deedee -- Joanna
- on April 12, 2017
LOVE the happiness... GREAT pic Savannah!!! -- Matt (DAD)
- on April 12, 2017
Dear Savy, I love all the different techniques you used. Wonderful art. Love, Deedee -- Joanna
- on April 12, 2017
Hi Savannah, you have a great style and imagination. Keep up your fine talent. Love Deedee -- Joanna
- on April 12, 2017
I can't wait to see the show! Love mommy
- on November 2, 2015
Savannah, this looks like a wonderful show. Who's the star? Can it be you? Love Deedee -- Joanna
- on November 2, 2015
Savy, I love your imagination and your talent! -- Joanna
- on June 11, 2015
This is a very happy picture. Love green grass and rainbows. Keep up the good work. -- Joanna
- on June 11, 2015
Hi Savy, I love your new picture. It looks like a very happy place. Good work. Love deedee -- Joanna
- on June 11, 2015
Your picture makes me want to go shopping. Want to come? -- Joanna
- on June 11, 2015
Hi Savy, I love your different shapes. Keep up the good work. Luv u Deedee -- Joanna
- on June 11, 2015
Hi Savy, I see this was a two-part art project. First you made the design and then you put the color over it. Very clever. Good work. Luv u -- Deedee
- on February 19, 2015
Savy, I think we should go shopping and look for some of the beautiful things you drew. Great job. Luv you dd -- Joanna
- on February 19, 2015
Savannah, I love the picture of you and your friends. It looks great. Love deedee XXX -- Joanna
- on November 6, 2014
Savannah, what a wonderful room, Love It! -- Christine
- on September 24, 2014
Your room with a view is very lively and cheery. I love it. Deedee -- Joanna
- on September 9, 2014
Savannah. If I had long hair this is how I would look when I wake up. Good drawing. Love it. -- joanna
- on September 9, 2014
Great Picture! Could be any big city. Luv Deedee -- Joanna
- on September 9, 2014
So so so cool!!! -mommy -- Jeanine
- on February 20, 2014
Dear Savannah, your winter trees are very real. I hope we can put some pretty green leaves on them very soon and maybe some flowers. Good work my princess. luv u dee dee -- Joanna
- on February 20, 2014
Savannah, I can feel the Fall leaves blowing in the coo breeze. Excellent drawing. Love Deedee -- Joanna
- on February 20, 2014
Savy, I just love your park. It looks like a great place to have loads of fun. Good work. Love Deedee -- Joanna
- on September 27, 2013
Savy, hearts are one of the things I love...but not as much as I love you. Beautiful colors! -- deedee
- on May 15, 2013
Savannah, I could just "eat him up". He is almost as cute as you. love deedee -- Joanna
- on May 15, 2013
Your art makes me so proud. You have a gift and I hope you will always love to draw and paint! Love, Mommy -- jeanine
- on November 20, 2012
Savannah, very nice picture. We are proud of you! -- Christine
- on November 20, 2012
Savannah, this is the most amazing pumpkin artwork I have ever seen. It should be hanging in an art gallery. Love dee dee -- Joanna
- on November 20, 2012
Savy, This picture is just beautiful!! You have an amazing talent!! Love, Aunt Bella -- Aunt Bella
- on November 20, 2012
I love your flower. I think it may be a yellow rose which is one of my favorite. Good Job!! Love You, Dee Dee -- Joanna
- on November 20, 2012
I just love your flowers!!!! MOMMY! -- Mommy
- on September 17, 2012
Savannah, those are the cutest insects I have ever seen. Love the colors! Love you too!! Deedee -- Joanna
- on September 17, 2012
Savy I am so impressed with this work. I want to live on the hill. Just beautiful!! Mommy
- on September 17, 2012
Savannah, I loved your flowers and trees. I hope the storm clouds give them lots of rain so they can grow even more beautiful. Love Deedee -- Joanna
- on June 9, 2012
Savannah, your new artwork made us laugh out is so sweet. We loved the big smile. -- Joanna
- on June 9, 2012
Savy, what great bowls...did you know your Mom LOVES bowls! Keep up the great work. Love Deedee... -- Joanna
- on June 9, 2012
Savannah, JoJo and I love your latest artwork. Our favorite is the happy faces in your drawing. Love DeeDee & JoJo. We miss you.... -- Joanna
- on April 12, 2012
The first thing I saw were all your smiley faces and I love this painting so much! Great job!! Love Mom! -- Jeanine
- on February 22, 2012
Hi Savy!! Your picture makes my heart sing. Great job!! xo Aunt Bella -- Aunt Bella
- on February 22, 2012
Your hearts are amazing...just like you. Love u DeeDee -- Joanna
- on January 30, 2012
This snowman is SO GOOD, he could be on the cover of the Frosty the Snowman book. Jo Jo and I love it! -- Joanna
- on January 26, 2012
Hey Savy! Wonderful job. Let us know when you get to use the snowman kit you received for Christmas. Love Mema and Pop Pop! -- Christine
- on January 26, 2012
This is amazing!!!! I love everything about this picture!! -- Mom
- on January 18, 2012
Savannah your snowman is so great! Nice work!!! -- Mom
- on January 18, 2012
Savy, what great colors you chose for your artwork. The leaves in your fall picture are beautiful. Love DeeDee & JoJo... -- Joanna
- on November 11, 2011
Savs, this is beautiful...great job pumpkin! - Love Dad -- Matt
- on November 11, 2011
Savannah - this is wonderrful! I love your fall leaves - they are beautiful! Love, Mommy -- Jeanine
- on October 28, 2011
Savannah this was wonderful; Love the trees and the clouds. Keep it up! Mema -- Christine
- on October 11, 2011
What a happy, bright drawing. We are all very proud you are so talented. -- Deedee
- on October 11, 2011
Awesome picture Savy... we LOVE it!!! Keep it up :) -- Dad
- on October 5, 2011
WOW! Great job Savy!! Keep up the good work. We love you!! Nick and Tyler ( Aunt Bella & Uncle Pete ) -- Andrea
- on October 5, 2011
Great Job, Savannah! I love that your trees are all the way up to the sky! And, what a beautiful sun! -- Mom