Matt, you certainly have an eye for color! -- Aunt Helen
- on November 6, 2016
Cool colors. Those people look like they are enjoying themselves. -- Mommy and Daddy
- on January 5, 2016
Uh oh, that bird is in some trouble. -- Mommy and Daddy
- on January 5, 2016
The title was a little scary, but seeing all of the pictures together makes a lot of sense. You told a good story with these pictures. Was the family safe from that bird-biting worm???? -- Mommy and Daddy
- on January 5, 2016
He looks hungry. I'm glad he wants the worm and not the boy or his dog. -- Mommy and Daddy
- on January 5, 2016
Pterodactyl days look like they were dangerous. -- Mommy and Daddy
- on January 5, 2016
Cool frog! Did he try and hop away when you pinched him?
- on June 26, 2015
Looks like a nice sunny day to walk the dog.
- on June 26, 2015
Nice job with these trees. I like the light and dark colors together.
- on June 26, 2015
This guy is SHARPLY dressed!
- on June 26, 2015
Wow!!!You are an amazing artist, Matt!!!! I enjoy seeing your art works, keep up the great work!! Love you!! xoxo -- Meghann
- on September 27, 2014
This is a nice landscape. It's nice how you shared some of the ground color with the sky. -- Mommy and Daddy
- on June 4, 2014
I love these trees so much I printed them out and posted them in my office. -- Daddy
- on June 4, 2014
Wow, Matt! What great perspective, and the dogs look so comfy in that room. Great job, buddy! -- Mommy and Daddy
- on June 4, 2014
These leaves are beautiful! They almost look like they're made of metal with the colors you used. -- Daddy
- on March 18, 2014
This looks a lot like the urban living project you did! Very nice job! -- Daddy