Anyone who says you can't see a thought simply doesn't know art. I love your work Logan. -- Ed (Grandpa)
- on September 25, 2018
This is sooooo cool! Aunt Kay -- Kay
- on September 25, 2018
Logan......This is sooooooo cool! I love it! You are quite the artist. Keep up the good work....I can't wait to see what's next!! Aunt Kay -- Kay
- on September 25, 2018
Hi Logan, This is a great drawing!! I love it. very good job. Love Grandma B. -- Ruth
- on September 25, 2018
Logan.... I love your bunny! You are becoming quite the artist. Keep Drawing... I love to see your pictures. Can't wait to see what's next :) Love, Aunt Kay -- Kay
- on September 25, 2018
I love your rainbow picture! That's one happy rainbow! :) -- Ruthi
- on April 27, 2012
I Love all Your art work Logan. Great Job! Can't wait to see more. Love Grandma. -- ruth
- on April 27, 2012
I love your picture Logan. Great job!!! Love, Daddy -- Daddy
- on February 7, 2012
Dear Logan, I loved your picture! I can't wait to see more :) Love, Aunt Darlene -- Darlene
- on February 7, 2012
Logan....Love your are quite the little artist! I can't wait to see what you'll draw next. Keep Drawing!! -- Kay
- on February 7, 2012
What a wonderful picture, Logan! You're such a great artist! Love, Aunt Ruthi -- Ruthi