I love getting my email notifications with her art work. She is so expressive and creative. :D -- Shawna
- on May 14, 2013
Wow I am with Grampa. It reminds me of a scary ghost. So this is called a wall pocket? And it is made out of clay? -- Burnetta
- on May 14, 2013
Serenity, you put so much heart into what you do, I love you <3 -Mommy
- on April 10, 2013
That looks like a spooky ghosty -- Howard
- on April 10, 2013
Thats a nice Valentines print. We love you, Poppa -- Howard
- on April 10, 2013
Wow! This Jackson Pollock inspired paper is beautiful! Great job! ~Ms. Scoville
- Michele (teacher at Frederick Leighton School) on November 2, 2012
Wow that looks like a science experiment under a microscope. I like it -- Howard
- on October 10, 2012
Well I sure am going to have to come see your garden if its as pretty as your picture -- Howard
- on October 10, 2012
Wow those are beautiful butterflys. -- Howard
- on October 10, 2012
That is an Awesome bouquet. I could smell them they looked so real -- Howard
- on October 10, 2012
Wow thats a pretty good portrait sweetie. -- Howard
- on October 10, 2012
she is so special...I can't wait til my daughter brings me pictures like that. -- Shawna
- on October 10, 2012
your so creative Renny...I love seeing your work...miss you tons....Shawna -- Shawna
- on October 10, 2012
I really like your Pumpkin patch. It looked so much like the one on Charlie Brown I was looking for Snoopy to peek out from behind one. -- Poppa
- on October 10, 2012
I think your pumpkins are going to get rained on. The sky looks all stormy and cloudy. I love your picture! -- Burnetta
- on December 20, 2011
Gramma loves the Indian corn. When I was a young girl my dad planted Indian corn and at harvest time we pulled off the kernels and strung them on string, then let them dry. We have beautiful, colorful necklaces for a long time. -- Burnetta
- on December 20, 2011
you do such beautiful artwork.keep up the good work.from.lil grandma -- sandra