Jack, I really like this one !!!! You do take after your Mom with your art work. " YOU ARE THE SUNSHINE IN MY LIFE" Love you lot's, Grandma (GA-GA) XOXOXOXO -- SHERRY
- on October 19, 2011
Jack, you are just so creative!!!!!!!! I love this one. Keep up the good work and I am looking forward to your next artwork. Love you always, Grandma B. -- Maureen
- on October 19, 2011
Hi Jack, It looks like you are artistic just like your Mommy!!!!!! It is going to be so much fun getting to see your drawings on-line. I cannot wait to see more art from you. I just love your artwork!!!!!!!! Love always, Grandma -- Grandma
- on October 12, 2011
Jack=) I LOVE this masterpiece!!! Love the watercolors. I am so proud of you! I love how much you like to draw and paint=) You are just like me when I was your age....I was always drawing, and painting. I can't wait to see what you do next!! Love you honey.....Mom xox -- Lisa