Fantastico Picasso! I love your self portrait...and the hair-do is perfect. Keep up the hard work. -- Mommy
- on April 26, 2012
Great job, keep up the good work, we're so proud of you. Love, Grandpa & Grandma -- Richard
- on April 26, 2012
Great Job Madison! I love the colors. Keep up the great work! -- Aunt Heidi
- on April 26, 2012
Beautiful scene, Madison. Can't wait to see another one of your projects soon! Love, Mommy. -- Mommy
- on January 9, 2012
Doing a good job, keep it up. Love Daddy -- Ron
- on January 6, 2012
Dear Madison, Grandma and Grandpa both viewed your work. It is just beautiful, we loved the colors. You are really talented. We love you, Grandma and Grandpa. Keep up the good work!!!!!!!! -- Grandma