Alicia1826's Comments (17)

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Below are comments about Alicia1826's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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At first I didn't know what thi was but I now know you made this stamp. This is outstanding and we can't wait to see it. Good job.
-- donald
- on December 18, 2013
A lot of work went into this project. How did you know what I was going to be? rall y good work Alicia. keep it up
-- donald
- on October 21, 2013
Glad to see you back. Grandma and I always look forward to seeing your new work. We are so proud of you.
-- Donald
- on October 21, 2013
grandma loves this. very creative
-- donald
- on April 12, 2013
Beautiful. your imagination never stops and you have such a talent to bring it to life and share it with others.
-- donald
- on April 3, 2013
really nice. It demonstrates that there is no limit to your talents and imagination. keep up the good work.
-- donald
- on March 22, 2013
you never cease to amaze me with your creative art work. it shows you really enjoy your work an want others to enjoy it. well done.
-- donald
- on March 1, 2013
good to see your art work on display again. you are showing how well you are developing into a fine and talented artist. we love your work. keep it up
-- donald
- on February 25, 2013
really a good job. he would really look good with boo boo on his shoulder.
-- donald
- on October 12, 2012
just as i remember it. very good
-- donald
- on April 16, 2012
really great. yo are coming into your own as a crerative young girl. we love it.
-- donald
- on April 16, 2012
Excellent work. Show your talent hun!
-- Artie
- on March 15, 2012
you never cease to amaze me with your talents. now i'm hungry.
-- donald
- on February 23, 2012
we love your work alicia. keep it up
-- donald
- on January 28, 2012
What a beautiful picture. Very creative : ) Love, Mom
-- Wendy
- on December 15, 2011
Good job Hun. Keep up the good work!
-- Artie
- on December 14, 2011
very good.
- on December 10, 2011