Zennahbean1's Comments (3)

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Below are comments about Zennahbean1's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Hello Ms. Z, I love how you blended the colors in the background, it makes me want to go swim with the Koi fish.
-- Katie
- on March 29, 2012
Zennah, my baby girl, I am so proud of you! Your artwork is fabulous! I am going to go broke just buying everything you create. Your artwork is the best, darling!! I love, love, love it and I love, love, love YOU! Love and miss you so much, Mimi and Papa XOXO
-- Mimi
- on February 13, 2012
Dear Zen, I love your art work! I am so happy that I can see it online now and share it with other friends and family members. You are a talented artist. Keep up the good work. Remember, there are no mistakes in art. I LOVE YOU! love, mama
-- Tricia
- on January 6, 2012