Tyler15535's Comments (35)

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Below are comments about Tyler15535's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Tyler, this picture is amazing! I love the colors you chose. It puts a big smile on my face. Wonderful job! Love, Mom and Pete
-- Jennifer
- on December 1, 2015
Maybe Grammy can make a blanket that looks like this!!! :)
-- Aunt Kelly
- on April 8, 2015
What a great way to show the five senses :)
-- Aunt Kelly
- on April 8, 2015
Tyler, I love this picture! It gives me hope that beautiful and warm weather is on the way! Yay!!
-- Ain't Kelly
- on April 8, 2015
Great picture. My favorite flower. Mimi and Pop
-- Maryann
- on January 3, 2015
This candle ornament is so pretty! It looks so real. I love it and great job!!! Love mom.
- on December 9, 2014
Tyler, this ornament is going to look BEAUTIFUL on a Christmas tree. I can't wait to see it! Love Mom :)
- on December 9, 2014
Great job Mimi and Pop Pop
-- maryann
- on November 23, 2014
Love the ornaments. Mimi and PopPop
-- maryann
- on November 23, 2014
Great job. Love Mimi and PopPop.
-- MaryAnn
- on November 13, 2014
Is that Sponge Bob?
-- Mimi and Pop Ppl
- on May 28, 2014
I am so amazed at how you draw!!! keep up the good work! :)
-- Aunt Kelly
- on May 25, 2014
Tyler, What a great looking apple!
-- mary ann
- on October 7, 2013
Where's Mary?? This is "clearly" her lamb. xD I love your house and barn! Love, Auntie Kelly
-- Kelly
- on March 31, 2013
Oh my goodness! This looks just like it did on Friday night at my house! How did you know?!
-- Aunt Kelly
- on February 12, 2013
Wow! What an exciting day in the snow! I love how the sun is shining and there seems to be a whole family of snowmen! You will have to tell me what the red is for. :)
-- Aunt Kelly
- on February 12, 2013
You have been so busy in art. Great job! Love Mimi & Pop Pop
-- mary ann
- on December 11, 2012
Can I come to your school?? I LOVE red!
-- Aunt Kelly
- on December 4, 2012
What a beautiful fall day you made! It looks like so many fun things to do and see in your picture!!!
-- Aunt Kelly
- on December 4, 2012
I want "indian corna" pizza now! lol just kiddinggggg.. :)
-- Aunt Kelly
- on December 4, 2012
Great job Tyler. Love Mimi & Pop Pop
-- mary ann
- on October 22, 2012
Great job Tyler. Love Mimi & Pop pop
-- mary ann
- on September 24, 2012
I LOVE this!!! The sky is amazing with all it's different shades of blue. The ladder rungs are excellently placed. They are so straight! And the dad is at the top of the ladder. He's gonna get it! YAY. wuv you!
-- Aunt Kelly
- on September 24, 2012
This is the most beeeeautiful rose EVER! I LOVE it!!!!!!!!
-- Aunt Kelly
- on May 31, 2012
Great job!!!
-- Mimi & Pop Pop
- on May 27, 2012
Tyler, I LOVE this chick! Did the chicken say, "CLUUUUUUCK!" when she layed this egg? Ouch! This is such a cute chicken! Yay Spring! xoxoxoxoxx
-- Aunt Kelly
- on May 27, 2012
Can I eat ice cream out of this?? Or is it just supposed to be pretty? ;)
-- Aunt Kelly
- on April 5, 2012
Wow! I want to live in those colorful rooms!! You are such a good boy! We love you so much! xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo
-- Kelly
- on March 26, 2012
I think this is my favorite piece so far! It makes me think of always having what you need! I love you! Love, Auntie Kelly
-- Kelly
- on February 29, 2012
So Tyler, I think you should make your Dad a hat out of this wonderful piece of work! Then he will think of you every time he gets a compliment on it! :)
-- Kelly
- on February 29, 2012
Oh Tyler! I love your mouse. It looks like a hungry mouse! Does he eat lima beans?
-- Kelly
- on February 29, 2012
Tyler, I am so proud of your artwork. These are the most creative pictures I have ever seen! I am so proud of you! Love, Mom
-- Jennifer
- on February 7, 2012
Hi Tyler: I love this picture of a tree...I don't think I've ever seen anything so beautiful! Keep up the great artwork...love mema
-- Rita
- on January 25, 2012
Tyler, I am so impressed with how three-dimensional this picture is! You are so talented! Love, Auntie Kelly
-- kelly
- on December 20, 2011
Tyler, This is such a great picture! I am amazed by how 3-dimensional it is! You can ask your teacher what that means! I am so proud of you. Love, Auntie Kelly
-- kelly
- on December 20, 2011