I like the addition of the raffia to your mask. This is very expressive and turned out well. -- Rosie
- on December 16, 2011
I really like this! I especially like the colors and shapes. It reminds me of some of the things your dad has done. -- Brenda
- on December 14, 2011
I like the way you painted your mask. It makes it bright and colorful and adds dimension to your piece. Nice job! -- Rosie
- on December 4, 2011
Wow! You just keep getting better! I really like this one with the hand. The clown store one is my favorite, tho. That is amazing how you make it look like the corner goes around. Keep up the good work!!!!! -- Bette
- on November 12, 2011
I love the colors in this painting! And the pictures you took at the air show were great! Glad you could include them with your other work. You're going to be just like your dad. Cool work!!!! -- Bette
- on September 22, 2011
I like the way you used color in this work. It really highlights the shapes and makes your patterns stand out. Nice Job! -- Rosie
- on September 21, 2011
Hi Alex, Thank you for inviting us to see your artwork. Grandma Glenva saw the elephant right off, and she hadn't read the question about if you can see it! She did better than I did. :-) I really like your aircraft pictures, too. Grandpa -- Larry
- on September 17, 2011
Great photos! Congrats on adding your own work onto the sight! These are great photos.Keep up the great work and think about taking photography! -- Rosie
- on September 17, 2011
No, I didn't see the elephant at first! This is great! Can't wait to see what you draw next! -- Bette