Reggie196's Comments (16)

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Below are comments about Reggie196's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Reggie, your picture is awesome (just like you??)! Your colors reflect 4-Winter in the Woods. I also love your pattern. This picture will look great on a t-shirt! Keep up the good work! Love you, Grandma
-- Janie
- on November 21, 2016
Reggie, wow I like it, how did you come up with this design? It makes me think about the beach like looking off a balcony! Good job, Aunt Emma
-- Emma
- on November 21, 2016
ONce again great job Reggie
-- Reginald
- on November 21, 2016
Regie you did a beautiful job with this art work.
-- Reginald
- on November 12, 2015
Wow, Reggie you really do have artist talent, I would like one just like it. I hope to see you soon, and tell Myla hello, your mom and dad also. Aunt Emma
-- Emma
- on November 12, 2015
Reggie, Your art work on the 4-Sketchbook Cover is awesome! I love the warm colors of orange and red mixed with the calming colors of blue and green that you included in your sketchbook cover. Keep up the good work! Love you, Grandma
-- Janie
- on November 12, 2015
Reggie, I liked how you included the earth tone as the background to your flower. The warm colors of yellow, blue and green give a lot of energy to it and make me want to go outside??. I like the attention you devoted to your picture! Love you. Grandma.
-- Janie
- on November 12, 2015
Reggie, I love your snowman! The colors are nice, and his head is in proportion to his body. Awesome! You are becoming a true artist! Love, Grandma
-- Janie
- on November 12, 2015
Reggie You continue to do great art work. I am very proud of you. Papa
-- Reginald
- on November 12, 2015
Hi Reggie, I like how you shaped your pumpkin and used the green pipecleaner at the top. I can tell that you were attentive as your teacher talked about pumpkins because your pumpkin is nice and round. It also has a beautiful orange color and shape! You are awesome! Love you, Grandma
-- Janie
- on November 12, 2015
Reggie, I did not know just how creative you are, I think you might be an artist will you grow up. Keep up the good work. Love, Aunt Emma
-- Emma
- on November 12, 2015
Reggie, You did a good job making your pumpkin. I bet you can't wait for Halloween.
-- Debbie
- on November 12, 2015
Reggie, You did an outstanding job on your first piece of art work. I am proud of you. Keep up the good work!
-- Debbie
- on October 4, 2011
Reggie, What a wonderful picture, did you draw this all by yourself. Jrily thinks is looks very good also. She thinks you should draw a soccer ball next. Good job Reggie, we are so proud of you. Aunt Emma and Cousin Jrily
-- Emma
- on September 29, 2011
Reggie You did an awesome job on your initial art piece. I am very proud of you.
-- Reginald
- on September 29, 2011
Hi Reggie, I love your artwork. I can tell that you were really concentrating and being creative! You were also having fun with it. Keep up the good work. Love you, Grandma
-- Janie
- on September 29, 2011