Brody710's Comments (33)

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Below are comments about Brody710's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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If grounds keeper Willie had a pet, this would be it!!! Nice work!
-- Dad
- on March 21, 2018
Cute pug for my pug lover! Great job.
-- Sheryl
- on May 18, 2017
It is amazing, you seemed to capture the exact look of your hair you always want to achieve! Now if we could only make it look like that in real life. I love this picture you are very talented at drawing. It looks just like you.
-- Sheryl
- on May 18, 2017
Ahhh Pug face!!!! He is awesome. You are such a great artist Brody-man! It looks like he is saying, "Don't mess with me"
-- Sheryl
- on January 31, 2017
Brody - that shirt looks so small on Mew! From, Reese
-- Sheryl
- on November 18, 2016
Cutest Mew ever! Now that I know you can sew I have a few projects waiting for you! Mom
-- Sheryl
- on November 18, 2016
Brody - that shirt of mac and cheese is so funny...Emmett
-- Sheryl
- on November 18, 2016
The whole world was screaming with us on this day. Your facial expressions captures exactly how I felt. Nice job in finding a perfect example of something to scream about.
-- Sheryl
- on October 26, 2016
Hey Brody, this is really funny! What are you saying? Perhaps, "Hey guys! Look at me! This is really fun!" Nice job Brod!
-- Emmett
- on August 31, 2016
Dear Brody, this is really cool! What is it? What did you make it out of? I will stop with the questions. But who is the guy on the left supposed to be? I see some spirals on both of their heads. It is clever.
-- Emmett
- on August 24, 2016
Brody, this is pretty cool! Monroe looks totally the same! But where is the color? Never mind. All I wanted to say is this is awesome!!!! It looks a like a photo that someone took.
-- Emmett
- on May 14, 2016
Brody, that is nice to say! So is the person unique? Since they are different colors? hah. Brody, I love this project!
-- Emmett
- on April 15, 2016
Hey Brody? What is this made out of, Other than that, I love this! It's amazing! I like it like stretching it's body, and making a pose, and this is awesome!
-- Emmett
- on January 27, 2016
Giacometti! You are incredible, this is perfect. I love his and your art work. Great job!
-- Sheryl
- on January 12, 2016
OMG Brody, I love it! Giacometti is one of my favorite artists! Great work!
-- Dave
- on January 12, 2016
You are becoming quite the animator! Here is another great example. I need to watch the video but I am sure his arms will be waving because he looks so hot! Mom
-- Sheryl
- on November 12, 2015
This painting IS ON FIRE! Nice work bud! Dad
-- David
- on November 11, 2015
Dear Brody, Wow. The cardinals are spreading paint? Well mine was snow, but I like this better. Plus that tree and the cardinals Look 0% Horrible. And I will give 90000000% Awesome. Love Emmett.
- on September 17, 2015
Dear Brody, I love music. I love art too. So, I love this combined. It is amazing! What are those things in the background? I'm thinking a guitar pick, X's, and More! Love Emmett.
- on September 17, 2015
This horse looks to be deep in thought. You really captured him so well. I feel like he is about to charge. Nice job. Love, Mom
- on September 17, 2015
Great job Brody! What a nice looking horse! Love, Dad
- on September 17, 2015
Dear Brody, I love this Picture so much! Its Funny! How Did you make it? Love Reese.
- on September 16, 2015
Dear Brody, I like pumpkins. And this is the best Pumpkin I have ever seen! It is awesome. And also I always see this on the pumpkin. Black pumpkin and the background. and on the right side, the pumpkin is orange and the background is black! love Emmett.
- on August 25, 2015
Dear Brody Hot cocoa is the best! its hot, you could put whip cream, sprinkles, and marshmallows in it. But I kind of like Fizzy. Love Reese.
- on August 25, 2015
(emmett) did you make this in October? great! I really like this! no wait, i don't like it, I LOVE IT!!!!!!!!! I LOVE IT! seriously.
- on June 26, 2015
(Emmett) wacky city? is that Wednesday? call it wacky Wednesday! the brown cyan building? that kind of looks like a person!!!!!!!!
- on June 26, 2015
(Emmett) I love Hot cocoa! and this piece of art. it's great! and one question, is the marshmallow clay? great, this is all true!
- on June 26, 2015
dear brody, this is so good brody! it reminds me of that 5 hour drawing thing. love emmett.
- on February 19, 2015
Brody, about that hair fall scary thing, guess what! DADDY DONSENT HAVE ANY HAIR! From emmett.
- on February 8, 2015
dear brody, I lovvvvvvvvvvvvvvve the trees in the background. the picture is beautiful.
-- emmett
- on May 28, 2014
Brody, I love these cardinals. They have really cooky eyes and look like a couple of goofy birds hanging out on a branch! They look like one of them is about to tell a really funny joke. Great Work Bub! Love Dad
-- David
- on October 29, 2013
What a super awesome symmetrical portrait!!! This guy looks surprised. Or maybe he's saying, "I like Cheeriooooooooooo!" Great job Brody Man! Love, Dad
-- David
- on September 9, 2013
I love this monster Brody...he is sooooo scary that he is making my hair fall out! :-)
-- Dad
- on September 9, 2013