Jaden1806's Comments (4)

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Below are comments about Jaden1806's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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The Cat in the Hat was so much fun to draw and paint. You did a fantastic job on this art work.
- Mary (teacher at Peggy Carnahan Elementary) on April 15, 2013
Dear First Graders,

We had a lot of fun creating these beautiful cardinals, didn't we? I can see expressive and unique personalities in each cardinal. I am so proud of your hard work. Great job! Don't forget to share your art with your family. Can you tell them what a collage is?

Sincerely, Ms Wood
- Mary (teacher at Peggy Carnahan Elementary) on October 9, 2012
Dear First Graders,

We had a lot of fun creating these beautiful cardinals, didn't we? I can see expressive and unique personalities in each cardinal. I am so proud of your hard work. Great job! Don't forget to share your art with your family. Can you tell them what a collage is?

Sincerely, Ms Wood
- Mary (teacher at Peggy Carnahan Elementary) on October 9, 2012
Dear First Graders,

We had a lot of fun creating these beautiful cardinals, didn't we? I can see expressive and unique personalities in each cardinal. I am so proud of your hard work. Great job! Don't forget to share your art with your family. Can you tell them what a collage is?

Sincerely, Ms Wood
- Mary (teacher at Peggy Carnahan Elementary) on October 9, 2012