Kaden881's Comments (24)

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Below are comments about Kaden881's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Kaden, That is a great picture! I love waternelon! Love, Grandma Carol
-- Carol
- on January 10, 2013
You did a super job on this picture Kaden. I could even tell that it was supposed to be you eating the watermelon :)
-- Erin
- on January 10, 2013
I love the watermelon! It makes it feel like spring!
-- Trent
- on January 9, 2013
Good job on the pretty poppies, Kaden. I love it!
-- Rebecca
- on October 3, 2012
What a cute little Cardinal, Kaden! You are really coming up with some great drawings. I love looking at them!
-- Carol
- on January 30, 2012
Kaden I love this picture!
-- Erin
- on January 28, 2012
Awesome, Kaden! Very realistic!
-- Carol
- on January 28, 2012
Very original, Kaden! Keep up the good work!
-- Carol
- on December 4, 2011
Wow, this looks awesome! I love it!
-- Carol
- on November 12, 2011
Cool picture, Kaden. You are an excellent artist.
-- Rebecca
- on November 12, 2011
Those are some really cool pumpkins, Kaden! Can't wait to see your next art picture!
-- Carol
- on October 26, 2011
Very Good picture, Kaden! I think we have a little artist in the family!
-- Carol
- on October 17, 2011
Wow, Kaden. This is really good. It looks very real!
-- Rebecca
- on October 13, 2011
More nice artwork! That's a pretty cool rainbow!
-- Eric
- on October 9, 2011
Kaden, You drew some very yummy looking apples! You certainly are a little artist! I can't wait to see what you do next!
-- Carol
- on October 5, 2011
Kaden I love this picture that you made of apples with oil pastels! You did such a great job!
-- Erin
- on October 4, 2011
This is my favorite so far. You are such a good artist, Kaden.
-- Rebecca
- on October 4, 2011
Rainbow Fish - how pretty!
-- Carol
- on September 21, 2011
Pretty Colors, Kaden!
-- Carol
- on September 21, 2011
Kaden, that is the cutest lion I have ever seen!
-- Carol
- on September 21, 2011
This is some pretty neat artwork Kaden!
-- Eric
- on September 21, 2011
This is a very nice painting Kaden!
-- Erin
- on September 20, 2011
What a CUTE Lion. Love it!
-- Erin
- on September 20, 2011
Kaden, I love your rainbow fish. It is so colorful and bright. Good work!
-- Erin
- on September 20, 2011