Carson1826's Comments (16)

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Below are comments about Carson1826's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Love your snowman buddy!
-- meagan
- on May 23, 2014
Great job Carson !! Love your colors ! Love you !
-- Bonnie
- on November 7, 2013
Graet job Carson !! I love this picture, I'm so proud of you ! Love you !
-- Bonnie
- on November 7, 2013
I love it Carson! Can you buy me a $100 car too?!
-- Sarah
- on November 7, 2013
Good Job buddy!
-- Meagan
- on November 7, 2013
Carson, what a great picture! I just love that little baby. Love you, Grandma, Prentice
-- Prentice
- on November 7, 2013
Carson I just love looking at all your wonderful art work.
-- Lisa
- on December 2, 2011
Great job Carson! Tyler says he loves that you used orange his favorite color!
-- Sarah
- on November 15, 2011
Great job, Carson, those apples look like they are ready to snack on. Keep up the good work, I love you
-- Prentice
- on November 11, 2011
Carson, I love your pictures, especially the autumn leaves, they look like mine in my back yard. I'm proud of you!
-- Prentice
- on October 28, 2011
Carson, this looks very nice. You are doing a great job. I am very proud of you.
-- Lisa
- on October 5, 2011
Hey Carson! Your artwork is very cool and Aunt Samantha is proud of you!
-- Samantha
- on September 26, 2011
Great job, I love it
-- Marshall
- on September 14, 2011
Great job, Carson!! I love your color choice for the first one.
-- Grandma Prentice
- on September 11, 2011
You did a great job !! Love you !!
-- Bonnie
- on September 11, 2011
Carson you are such a good artist. Keep up the good work. I love you very much.
-- Lisa
- on September 10, 2011