Elijah3058's Comments (14)

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Below are comments about Elijah3058's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Hi Eli, Wow what beautiful hand prints. I am assuming they are your hand prints. I really like them. You do a real fantastic job in art. I'm glad your teacher did this so I can see your art work. Love, Grandma Krieger
-- Brenda
- on August 1, 2012
Hi Eli, I see you like blue, yellow and red. You will have to let me know what you were making for this one. It is very colorful. Love, Grandma Krieger
-- Brenda
- on August 1, 2012
Eli I think your fish is smiling at me. He makes me happy. It is 5:45 am on Friday and I am already having a good day. Thank you for the smiling fish. All the colors look so good, I wish I wasn't color blind. Love Grandpa Hi Eli, Grandpa had this on the computer when I got finished walking on my treadmill this morning. I walked over to look at it and said "It's a fish" . Grandpa said it is a rainbow fish. It sure is beautiful. I love all the colors and all the colors in the background to. I bet there are fish like this in Florida. We'll have to check it out when we get there this summer. Love, Grandma
-- Brenda
- on August 1, 2012
HI Eli, I left a comment the other day, but I don't see it. I love your penquin. It looks like he is dancing in the snow. It is very beautiful, but it really makes me feel cold. I wonder if we will get any snow this year? I love you! Grandma Krieger
-- Brenda
- on August 1, 2012
Hi Eli, I just love your penquin. You do a lot of neat things in art. Love, Grandma Krieger
-- Brenda
- on August 1, 2012
Eli, I love your penguin! It makes me want to go out and play with you in the snow (if we would have any)! You are such a talented artist! I am so proud of you! Love, Mom
-- Barb
- on February 2, 2012
Hi Eli, I like your Christmas lights. It reminds me of the lights I see on all the houses as I'm driving. It is very beautiful. Grandpa & Tim likes them too! Love, Grandma
-- Brenda
- on February 2, 2012
HI Eli, I love your Christmas Tree. I really like the snow! Love, Grandma
-- Brenda
- on February 2, 2012
Eli, your space creature looks awesome. Are you sure you weren't drawing a picture of me? He sure does have some long, wild, brown hair.
-- Tim
- on October 31, 2011
Hi Eli, We loved your pictures. Grandpa, Tim and I are looking at them. We liked them all. They are very colorful. Love, Grandma, Grandpa & Tim
-- Brenda
- on October 31, 2011
your picture is cool. Super Cool! Kylie and Mom
-- Barb
- on October 21, 2011
Elijah I like your picture it is very cool.You did very good. Kellyn and Mom
-- Barb
- on October 21, 2011
I love you and your artwork! I can already tell that you will be a better artist than your sister!!:)
-- Emma
- on October 20, 2011
I love all of your beautiful artwork! I am so proud of how much you enjoy school. Keep making these beautiful projects!
-- Mom
- on October 20, 2011