If I would have known you made such beautiful mittens, you could have helped me with the 5 dozen cookie mittens I made today. What a great job Gracin! -- Nini
- on December 15, 2011
Mittens, very cool. I think we should have a snowball fight when it snows. love you Jenny -- Jenny
- on December 15, 2011
Gracin is this one of the leaves you threw on me in Nene's backyard? What an eye for detail you have. Keep up the great work. I look forward to the next project. I love you big. Jenny -- Jenny
- on December 2, 2011
Gracin you amaze me daily. What an imagination you have. Your talent is impressive. -- Jenny
- on December 2, 2011
Gracin, Your picture is wonderful. Keep up the good work!!!! -- Lynn
- on December 2, 2011
Oh Gracin I would love to be in your hallway I can only imagine what fun is though those Doors.....love it and you Aunt Deede -- Andrea
- on December 2, 2011
You are really good at making art stuff - great job. -- Mike & Logan
- on October 27, 2011
Gracin, You did a wonderful job! Keep up the good work. I can't wait to see more. -- Lynn
- on October 27, 2011
Graciin, you did a REALLY good job on both of your pictures. Keep up the good work -- Grandma & PaPa
- on October 27, 2011
Your did such a good job on your pictures. Congratulations Bubba. -- Grandma & PaPa
- on October 27, 2011
You did a great job on your pictures, congratulations Bubba. -- Grandma & PaPa
- on October 27, 2011
Gracin, We are very proud of you! You did an outstanding job on your art work! Keep up the great work buddy! Love ya and high 5 from California!! -- Christina
- on October 15, 2011
What an awesome job Gracin! You really show some creative thought went into this work of art. -- Nini
- on October 14, 2011
Wow another Awesome picture ..love it Gracin -- Andrea
- on October 14, 2011
Great picture Gracin! I really love the roller coaster cars going over the hills, and the towers in the towers in the background. Great job! -- Miss Brenda
- on October 13, 2011
Gracin, I love the rollar coaster. You are so talented. I'm so proud of you. I look forward to seeing more work from you. You are an amazing young man. Jenny -- Jenny
- on October 13, 2011
Gracin just love your picture . Great job you are a wonderful artist....Love Aunt DeDee -- Andrea