Olivia8314's Comments (17)

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Below are comments about Olivia8314's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Olivia, your current art work is very colorful.
-- papa and nana
- on December 6, 2013
Olivia, NANA and I really like your artwork. It is really good and something to be proud of. Keep up the good work.
- on April 22, 2013
Nice idea!
- Pam (teacher at St. Joseph and Immaculate Heart of Mary School) on April 20, 2013
Nice work! I love the way you used the textured fill colors to make your flag unique!
- Pam (teacher at St. Joseph and Immaculate Heart of Mary School) on April 20, 2013
Nice Work!
- Pam (teacher at St. Joseph and Immaculate Heart of Mary School) on April 9, 2013
This was one of my favorite! I loved the way you swirled the night sky!
-- Mrs. Jadue
- on March 6, 2013
I think your picture of the daises is great.It made me feel happy on a rainy day.
-- Jean
- on November 8, 2012
dear Olivia, I enjoy seeing your art; all that you do is very colorful and fun to see. Love, Oma
-- Jean
- on November 12, 2011
Great work Olivia! I like how you used the pumpkin. Dad
-- Leo
- on November 12, 2011
Olivia, we like your self portrait. It shows a very Olivia. Keep up the good work.
-- Paul&rosalie
- on November 6, 2011
Olivia, The picture you drew of yourself is really good. Keep up the the great art.
-- Paul,Rosalie
- on November 6, 2011
I like it! I wish all of Fall looked like this.
-- Janet
- on November 6, 2011
Spooky picture! I love it. Mom
-- Nikki
- on October 16, 2011
Olivia I love the way you made the wind blowing the leaves and your bright orange pumpkin. This looks like a beautiful fall day!
-- Pam
- on October 25, 2011
Olivia: Your fall scene is awesome! You are a great artist. Keep up the good work! Love, Daddy
-- Leo
- on October 11, 2011
Nice!! I like them. Good job!
-- Janet
- on October 4, 2011
Beautiful picture!
- on October 1, 2011