Will3299's Comments (8)

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Below are comments about Will3299's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Very cool!!
-- Aunt Jay
- on August 21, 2017
Nice job Will, is that what the bottom of the ocean looked like when we were ridign the waves?
-- GrandPa
- on January 30, 2013
I love this new one - Line and Shape Resists, I think. It's so complex, and the color combinations are very cool.
-- Jay
- on October 25, 2012
Hi! nice job, great colors!
-- Grandpa
- on October 25, 2012
Hi! I love Under the Sea! I really like the way you mixed the colors for the water, and how the fish and other cut-outs pop out from the background. Very cool. Love, Aunt Jay
-- Jay
- on October 25, 2012
Nice Job! That looks like a sugar shack or a house. Nice colors..good work. Love GrandPa
-- GrandPa
- on October 25, 2012
I really like this painting. I love the way you used the colors to express the warmth and coolness.
-- Jay
- on October 25, 2012
Nice work, keep it up. I like them all, but specially the latest one.
-- GrandPa
- on October 25, 2012