Hi Nicholas, You are quite the little artist! I love the way you use all the colors. Keep up the good work! Love, Nana -- Nana
- on April 28, 2012
Nicholas, why so sad?? This must've been drawn when we (Mom and Dad) were in Costa Rica. Nice clown anyway! -- Dad
- on March 20, 2012
Nicholas, I love the upside down heart. Very interesting and creative. I like how you stay inside the lines when you color. You are a good little artist. See you soon. Love, Nana -- Nana
- on April 28, 2012
Great work, Nicky! -- Mom
- on April 28, 2012
I love this Nicholas! U are very talented. I love you and miss you. Muah <3 -- Auntie Sharyn
- on April 28, 2012
Nick, These are all MY favorite foods too! Love, Daddy -- Steve
- on December 8, 2011
Hi Nicholas, I saw your art work and love it. You are quite the little artist. I like the orange pumpkins. Keep up the good work. Happy Halloween! Love, Nana -- Elaine