Another amazing work of art by Alisha!!!! XOXO Christine -- Christine
- on June 21, 2017
I am so proud of you Alisha! Love Auntie Christine XOXOX -- Christine
- on May 31, 2017
Love the bunny hopping around in the garden. I have a family of rabbits that live next door and drive my dogs crazy. -- Aunt Lucille
- on May 10, 2017
Ladybugs bring good luck! Another amazing piece of artwork!!! Love Craig & Christine XOXO -- Christine
- on March 8, 2017
Alisha, this is so beautiful! It makes me really excited for spring to come. -love Mom -- Mom
- on March 8, 2017
Another wonderful piece of artwork, especially with the shading combination. Love Craig & Christine XOXO -- Christine
- on December 21, 2016
I love the colors and the manner in which you handled the watercolor. Merry Christmas n I hope that SANTA treats you well. Xoxo to your mom n dad too! N Grandma Doris! -- Aunt Lucille
- on December 21, 2016
Beautiful job! I love how you put the sun in the corner. It reminds me of our day in NY when we went to American Girl. -love Mommy -- Alison
- on December 7, 2016
I love your drawing. It reminds me of the New York skyline that I saw every day when I lived in Jersey City. -- Aunt Lucille
- on December 7, 2016
Alisha, Over the years seeing your artwork has given me such pride in having a wonderful Goddaughter and this piece of art has also given me today a breath of fresh air as I imagine walking outside on a sunny day and taking in the amazing view! Love, Christine -- Christine
- on December 7, 2016
Love your owl! Great detail! :) Linda -- Linda
- on January 30, 2016
This one looks like the owl that was on the wire in front of our house. -love, Mom -- Mommy
- on January 24, 2016
He looks great! He reminds me of a superhero just before he springs into action. Another wonderful project :) -love, Mom. Xoxoxo!!! -- Mommy
- on January 24, 2016
You did a great job on this, I love how the blue tablecloth brings out the orange of the pumpkin. Great job with the light and shadows on the fruit :) -love, Mom -- Mommy
- on January 22, 2016
I love the shading. The pear looks so realistic. You did a great job with the values :) -Mom -- Mommy
- on January 22, 2016
He's all ready for Christmas! -Mom -- Mommy
- on January 22, 2016
Your owl looks great! I LOVE the colors you chose. It looks like a quiet snowy night. Great job! :) -Love Mom -- Mommy
- on January 22, 2016
Love the fall picture! -- Sherry
- on November 29, 2015
Alisha - your art skills have developed with beautiful shading. Love Craig & Christine -- Christine
- on October 26, 2015
Wonderful progress this year Alisha!!!! Love Craig & Christine -- Christine
- on July 7, 2015
Alisha, I love ALL you artwork and Am sooooo proud of you !! This one is one of my favorites !! I love you! Love, Daddy -- Daddy
- on July 3, 2015
She is so cute! xoxxo Craig & Christine -- Christine
- on June 7, 2015
Your best "Starry Night" yet! I love the way the wind looks. It reminds me of music notes. Great job!-love Mommy
- on June 2, 2015
Alisha - - The first thought when I saw this today is how calming, soothing, relaxed my soul feels when I imaged being in the place you created on paper. XXOXO Christine -- Christine
- on May 30, 2015
I love the colors! -- Aunt Sherry
- on May 30, 2015
You did a great job! The colors are so vibrant. -- Linda
- on May 30, 2015
Wonderful progress we have seen thru your artwork, we are so proud of you Alisha!!!! xoxox -- Christine
I love your pumpkins. Especially the picture you made of yourself as Belle -love Mommy
- on December 29, 2014
I love the winter scene! The colors are beautiful! -- Aunt Sherry
- on December 22, 2014
The trees are wonderful and very realistic looking. You are getting to be a fabulous artist. Aunt Lucille Scurti -- Aunt Lucille
- on December 21, 2014
I like how you used the A's
- on December 20, 2014
I LOVE this!!!! It is so beautiful. The best piece you've made so far!!! love, Mommy
- on December 20, 2014
Very nice to see you exploring with textures in your awesome artwork, you are so creative!!! Love Christine & Craig xoxo -- Christine
- on December 13, 2014
Alisha, this reminds me of pot holders that mommy and I use to make when we were your age! Thank you for the smile you just gave me!! XOXO Christine -- Christine
- on December 2, 2014
This reminds me of leaves blowing on a windy day. love, Mommy
- on November 9, 2014
Awesome line patterns! It looks really cool! love, Mommy
- on November 9, 2014
LOVE the prints. They remind me of my prints at home. :) love, Mommy xoxo
- on November 9, 2014
It is very colorful! -- Aunt Sherry
- on November 9, 2014
I love this one! You should frame it. -- Lisa
- on November 5, 2014
Love it! Great job! -- Lisa
- on July 15, 2014
He looks so cozy! xoxo Christine -- Christine
- on July 11, 2014
I just love the drawing of the bear. He looks like one I have. Great job, keep up the good work. -- Aunt Kathy
- on July 1, 2014
He looks friendly! Love Craig & Christine -- Christine
- on June 27, 2014
I love his expression! -- Aunt Sherry
- on June 17, 2014
This picture makes me want to take the day off from work and go to the shore for some fun in the sun! Love Auntie Chris -- Christine
- on June 17, 2014
Love the picture. I can see a person in it. -- Aunt Sherry
- on June 2, 2014
I love the colors! The starfish is nice for the summer theme. -- Aunt Sherry
- on May 17, 2014
Seeing your artwork always brings me a great big smile! Love Christine -- Christine
- on May 15, 2014
I really love this one! The composition and colors are pretty amazing. You have an awesome edited color palette going on here with the orange and blue. It really feels like underwater plants with filtered light shining down on them through the water. Warm and cold at the same time. I think this is the best painting you've done so far. I'm really impressed! Keep it up. -- Laura
- on May 15, 2014
I love your Starfish! That is awesome. The colors are great. Keep up the good work! :) -- Linda
- on May 10, 2014
Great work....I hope you are wearing green sparkles today!!! xoxoxo -- Barbara
- on March 18, 2014
I love your Leprechaun! It's so cute. Keep up the good work! -- Linda
- on March 15, 2014
Alisha, I love the green guy! Where are you going to put him? -- Aunt Sherry
- on March 15, 2014
Wow, he looks like a very lucky leprechaun!!! -- Cat
- on March 15, 2014
I like the way you toned the colors. Keep up the good work. -- Aunt Kathy
- on March 4, 2014
I always love the pictures of animals.This would make a beautiful stained glass. -- Sherry
- on March 4, 2014
Wow, this is my favorite! I love all the colors you used, what a beautiful bird! -- Catherine
- on March 4, 2014
I love the color you used! This is awesome! -- Linda
- on February 25, 2014
Nice flower!! I love the bright colors! Makes me think of spring and warm weather. -love Mommy -- Alison
- on February 5, 2014
I like this one. It would make a nice puzzle! -- Sherry
- on January 22, 2014
I like the colors and shapes. -- Sherry
- on January 22, 2014
I love the pretty cardinal bird and the snowflakes....shows us that winter is coming. -- Grandma "D"
- on November 19, 2013
Awesome picture! You did a great job on this one. Love, Mommy -- Alison
- on November 15, 2013
I love this picture! I think this is the best yet. -- Aunt Sherry
- on November 14, 2013
I love your tree. The trunk is so beautifully colored! It reminds me of a perfect, sunny fall day. -- Mommy
- on October 16, 2013
Wow, look at all the fall colors! What a great picture of autumn leaves! -- Catherine
- on October 16, 2013
Awesome rooster. Eric Carle would be proud! -- Mommy
- on June 30, 2013
I love the way you blended your warm and cool colors. -- Mommy
- on June 30, 2013
This is an awesome version of Van Gogh's Sunflowers! He would be proud! -- Mommy
- on June 30, 2013
This is one of my favorites! I love the colors and the lily pads! -- Mommy
- on June 30, 2013
I love the rainbow background. It really makes the apples pop out! -- Mommy
- on June 30, 2013
Vincent Van Gogh would love your vibrant colors. -- Ellen
- on June 30, 2013
I love the colors! I especially love the design on the bowl. -- sherry
- on June 25, 2013
Hi Alisha, your art work has improved so much....I really like this last one you did. Keep up the good work!!! Love, Grandma "D" -- Barbara
- on June 25, 2013
The flowers and colors are just in time for the spring season. Great job keep drawing. -- Aunt Kathy
- on May 23, 2013
Your penguin is so cute and cozy looking. The scarf and ear muffs are perfect. Nice job. Love Aunt Lisa -- Lisa
- on May 7, 2013
Nice color choices Alisha. Great Job. Love, Aunt Lisa -- Lisa
- on May 7, 2013
Great Job Alisha, you pick the perfect colors to make a beautiful picture. Love ya, Aunt Lisa -- Lisa
- on May 7, 2013
Great color wheel Alisha -- Lisa
- on May 7, 2013
It looks like this is the beginning of a creative new artist. Very nice picture Alisha. Love you, Aunt Lisa -- Lisa
- on May 7, 2013
It is beautiful! I love the colors. -- Sherry
- on April 26, 2013
makes me feel like dancing.......xx -- Aunt Lucille
- on April 23, 2013
Very colorful. This picture would look nice on a wall in an office. -- Sherry
- on April 17, 2013
I like this picture. It reminds me of the pictures that I see in Eric Carle books. -- Sherry
- on March 19, 2013
This is terriffic! I love the colors! You are doing great. Linda -- Linda
- on March 19, 2013
Great picture, Alisha! I love the colors you used! -- Catherine
- on March 14, 2013
This is such a great picture! I love the rooster's feathers! -- Catherine
- on March 14, 2013
Great job! Loved all the pictures. My favorite is the cool hands, warm heart. Keep up the drawing. Any bears in the future? -- Kathy
- on March 11, 2013
Hi Alisha, I love this picture. The colors are so pretty. Thanks for sharing it with us. -- Lisa
- on March 11, 2013
I loved the pictures! I think I liked the jazz hands the best. Can't wait to see more of your work. -- Sherry
- on March 5, 2013
Wonderful job on your latest additions to your collection....Love Craig & Christine -- Christine
- on March 5, 2013
Your artwork is great! You are going to be a gerat artist! :) -- Linda
- on March 4, 2013
Hi Alisha, I love your purple butterfly. You did such a great job on all of your artwork. You can be very proud of yourself. I am looking forward to seeing more of your work. Love, Grandma D. -- Barbara
- on March 4, 2013
We love your art work, keep up the great job!!!! Love Craig & Christine -- Christine
- on March 4, 2013
Hope to see a rainbow with a pot of gold soon for St. Patty's Day, Love Craig & Christine -- Christine
- on March 4, 2013
Alisha--This is your best drawing yet. Excellent! -- Colleen
- on February 26, 2013
your artwork is colorful and expressive.... -- Aunt Lucille
- on February 26, 2013
I'm so happy to see the finished project. You were so excited whille making it. I enjoyed hearing about the process and progress you were making each week. You did a beautiful job! Love, Mommy! Xoxo! -- Alison
- on February 25, 2013
Alisha - It is so much fun to watch you do your artwork. You get so much enjoyment out of working on each and every project. I am so proud of your accomplishments this year. You did a great job on your hands and hearts! I KNOW that you know your warm and cool colors! Wonderful!! Love, Mrs. Ric -- Kathy
- on February 24, 2013
Ilove the way you blended the warm and cool colors! I am so proud of all the beautiful work you are doing! Love, Mommy -- Alison
- on February 24, 2013
you're better than your mom........xx, luv ya! -- Aunt Lucille
- on February 22, 2013
The Mermaid is beautiful!!! -- Catherine
- on February 22, 2013
I LOVE this picture!!! It is in of my favorites. The colors are super!! Love Mommy -- Alison
- on December 28, 2012
XOXOXO Alisha! Love all your work! -- Daddy
- on December 18, 2012
Nice looking drawing of a bird. It reminds me of the birds at our feeder,. -- Colleen
- on July 28, 2012
I love your mermaid!!! She looks so happy under the sea! Your work is so beautiful and we are so proud of you! love Mommy and Daddy -- Alison
- on July 28, 2012
We love all of your colorful artwok and are so proud of all the hard work you are doing. Love Mommy and Daddy!!! xoxo
- on March 7, 2012
You make us smile just like your sun when we see your new artwork! Love Craig & Christine xxoo -- Christine
- on March 7, 2012
Alisha, We love your artwork that you have been doing and especially the penguin with the pink accessory's. Love Craig & Christine xxooxo -- christine
- on February 6, 2012
You are doing such a great job!!! I'm sooo proud of you!!! -- Alison
- on December 16, 2011
You are doing such a great job! Daddy and I are so proud of you! -- Alison