Courtney4665's Comments (26)

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Below are comments about Courtney4665's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Hey Kiddo! For your last piece of artwork at the school. This is really cool and I know your in the fashion industry with Mom. It's really cute! Love Nana and Papa
-- Lenora
- on June 22, 2016
Dear Courtney: I think this art work tells you a lot of things in your thoughts and dreams. I feel this an excellent expression of your feelings. It is very creative and colorful. I know you will do even better next year. Love you, Nana
-- Lenora
- on May 16, 2016
Hello Courtney! Your latest art design is very interesting. If you look to the upper right near the blue object you almost can see a face maybe like an angel looking over what your serving. It is a cool master piece. Love you Nana
-- Lenora
- on April 27, 2016
Wonderful picture!
-- Beth
- on April 27, 2016
Courtney, You always do such outstanding work in art. I would say it is incredible and the future holds a lot of potential for you. You have a good vision on how to draw the project you are given Nana
-- Lenora
- on April 27, 2016
Looks just like winter in the Rocky Mountains. Great job!
-- Baba
- on December 23, 2015
Good job. Looks like Baby Jesus wants to be held.
-- Baba
- on November 25, 2015
I love it! Very good Courtney!
-- Tata
- on November 25, 2015
Dear Courtney: I love the Christmas card. I think that this card or piece of art is absolutely your best. Your writing of Merry Christmas is excellent, the baby in the Manger and your star and colors. It really states the meaning of Christmas. Love, Nana
-- Lenora
- on November 25, 2015
That is a really good drawing and he is a weird monster for sure!
-- Tata
- on October 29, 2015
That is really a TREE HOUSE. Good job.
-- PapaT
- on October 27, 2015
Hello Sunshine: I love the way you made the tower, it almost looks like the tower in France and the tiny details you put on the bottom . Great use of colors. Courtney I really think you are doing fantastic work on your art.
-- Nana
- on October 27, 2015
-- Daddy
- on October 1, 2015
-- Lenora
- on October 1, 2015
Dear Courtney: I just wanted to say how beautiful your picture is. You are the best artist in the family. You know I love flowers and your doing a great job with it. Keep it up and maybe someday we will get to see it in a museum.Love Lenora (Nana)
-- Lenora
- on June 18, 2015
I love your Mona Lisa. It is so beautiful. Love, Mommy
- on December 24, 2014
Dear Courtney: I forgot to mention how beautiful those snowflakes were. I love the black and white together and you have done so many at home too. It is always nice to see how well you do in art. Like Nana has told you so often that your artwork is amazing. I know that you will keep it up the good work. Nana
-- Lenora
- on December 24, 2014
Dear Courtney - Allyson the drawing is very nice it looks like an image of "Tweety Bird Head", but I bet this is mommy. Very good presentation. Love the artist's! Thank you! Nana
-- Nana
- on December 11, 2014
Very nice work Courtney.
-- Tom
- on October 1, 2014
Hi Courtney! Keep up the good work, I like the colors in your drawing and how you arranged the items.Pretty cool looking. Number two favorite with Nana.
-- Lenora
- on October 1, 2014
Dear Courtney: I love both of the paintings you just did, the one with eyes and this one. You have a great gift of seeing things in a new way. You are a very good artist and plan to see many more in the future. This painting is great!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Love you always! Nana and Papa
-- Lenora
- on May 7, 2014
I love love love my bracelet! Thank you. I am so proud!
-- Tata
- on January 9, 2014
Courtney I wanted to say this painting is very much you with the colors you use. I know your favorite colors are pink and purple. Nana and Papa are very proud with your art work and each time you paint you get better and better. Keep it up! Love Nana and Papa
-- Lenora
- on November 27, 2013
Love your picture featuring Great Mama and Popo. Am so proud of your art award. Love always, Baba
-- Baba
- on November 2, 2013
Thank you Courtney for explaining your nice picture about Dead Skeletons to me. Papa Tom
-- Tom
- on October 23, 2013
Dear Courtney: Nanna and Papa are so proud of your artwork and look forward to another year of great art work. Keep it up Courtney! Love you, Nana and Papa
-- Lenora
- on September 14, 2013