Cole3986's Comments (5)

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Below are comments about Cole3986's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Enjoy your artwork you are so artistic. Love you Mimi
-- Debbie
- on April 30, 2015
Cole I am so proud of you. You are such a great artist. Keep up the great work and if you want I would be proud to hang your work in my house. Love you mimi
-- Debbie
- on March 15, 2015
Cole, Your ceramic bell is awesome! I love the textures and color. You did a great job! Mr. Moeller
-- Mr. Moeller
- on March 15, 2015
Cole you are such a great artist. I love the ornaments that I received that I gave to your mom and Aunt Tess. Keep up the good work. I love you
-- Debbie
- on December 28, 2014
Cole, I love your artwork! You did a great job! Mr. Moeller
-- Chad
- on January 3, 2014