Malique46's Comments (8)

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Below are comments about Malique46's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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You are such a amazing artist. I am so proud of you. :))
-- Mommy
- on December 16, 2011
I give up----what were you thinking?????
-- Chief
- on December 16, 2011
Very Good-it reminds me of a spooky halloween night.
-- Chief
- on December 16, 2011
Wow-best yet. Keep up the good work. It looks like a Picasso. You will have to draw a turkey for Thanksgiving. Love Chief and Nana
-- Chief
- on December 16, 2011
Very impressive-is this Jaws 1, Jaws 2 or Jaws 3-don't go in the water.....
-- Chief
- on November 12, 2011
Good job! It looks like the fish you caught when we went fishing.
-- Tom
- on November 9, 2011
WOW, I didn't know you could draw so good. Love Papa
-- Papa Mike
- on November 7, 2011
You are such an "artist". I love your work -- GREAT JOB.
-- Barbara
- on November 7, 2011