Eryn I love this, its so colorful. You will have to explain the meaning to me later on today. -- Mom
- on June 27, 2013
Hi Eryn! I think I like this one the best! Your pictures are getting better and better. Keep up the good work!! -- Kevin
- on January 25, 2012
Hi Eryn, I love the colors of your tiger! It looks very protective of you. I can't wait for the next picture. -- Kevin
- on December 7, 2011
Great Job Eryn! So proud of you! -- Aunt Jess
- on November 21, 2011
Wow Eryn, this really shows me that it doesnt matter how many colors we are, we still need one good friend. Thank you for sharing this with me. Love you!!! -- Mom
- on November 21, 2011
Eryn, that's a big tiger, but it is pretty. -- Gwen
- on November 17, 2011
Great job! Keep up the good work. Your old man is very proud of u. -- Chris
- on November 11, 2011
A wonderful picture. I love it. -- Gwen
- on November 1, 2011
Wow that's nice Eryn! -- Aunt Paula
- on November 1, 2011
Wow Eryn, That picture is as cool as you!!!!! Love you!!! -- MOM
- on October 31, 2011
Love the picture, Eryn. Keep up the good work! -- Kevin
- on October 26, 2011
Eryn, you made a beautiful drawing. I am very proud of you. I love the colors. -- Gwen
- on October 15, 2011
Eryn what a great job! The flowers are as beautiful as you! -- Demetriel
- on June 7, 2011
Hi Eryn Beautiful flowers, keep up the good work. Love you Auntie -- Sonja
- on May 16, 2011
This is a lovely picture and bring sunshine into my life. Grandma -- Gwen