Hope1289's Comments (7)

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Below are comments about Hope1289's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Hi Hope, Your Blue Clay Bird is great. It really reminds me of that "angry birds game" that's on the cell phones....Good job Aunt Hazy
-- Hazy
- on April 15, 2011
Hi Hope, I believe you're going to be an artist one day. Great Work Love you
-- Aunt Hazy
- on February 26, 2011
Hey Hope This one is my favorite one so far. I really enjoy looking at all your art work. Love ya, see you soon. Aunt Val
-- Valarie
- on February 19, 2011
Dearest Hope, I love your water garden! It looks like a peaceful place to be. Love, Mimi
-- Lila
- on February 17, 2011
Hey Hope, What an artist! I really enjoyed looking at your art work! Mimi
-- Lila
- on February 16, 2011
Hope, This is really good,keep up the good work. Love, Grandma Sue.
-- Grandma Sue
- on February 15, 2011
Truly wonderful Hope,Happy Valentines Day, Love, Grandma Sue.
-- Grandma Sue
- on February 14, 2011