Allea5's Comments (12)

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Below are comments about Allea5's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Allea, I love the plaid rabbit. Great colors you used and you did a very good job when cutting him out. Love Grandma
-- Grandma
- on April 16, 2011
Allen- You did a great job on this bunny! It is so cute!
-- Aunt Michelle
- on April 16, 2011
This reminds me of artwork I see in books about the alphabet! Your picture looks like a quilt. I'm so proud of all the artwork you have done.
-- Gramma Nita
- on April 16, 2011
You are getting very good at your letters. I like how they became art. Love you Grandma AR
-- Grandma AR
- on April 16, 2011
Allea, I love hearts so this one is special. I bet Kaiden likes this one because it has purple on it. Did you ask her? Love you. See you soon. Grandma AR
-- Cheryl
- on February 26, 2011
Allea, You colored inside the lines so well. I especially love the 2 hearts! love Grandma AR
-- Cheryl
- on February 26, 2011
I REALLY like this snow globe picture. You did a wonderful job. Next I think you should do a Spring picture, so maybe we could get some Spring weather!
-- Gramma Nita
- on February 26, 2011
A snow globe! I bet you are still getting some snow. It looks cold but I see you used some glitter on the snow. Love the bling!!! Grandma
-- Cheryl
- on February 26, 2011
Allea, I like the fall colors you used on your leaf. I can see the different textures you used too! Great job!
-- Gramma Nita
- on February 18, 2011
Allea, Another great job. This looks like a very big leaf. Can you tell us how you made it? Love You, Grandma
-- Cheryl
- on February 18, 2011
Allea, You did a great job! I love the bright colors with the blue in the background.
-- Cheryl
- on February 8, 2011
Allea, I love your art work! I like the bright colors.
-- Anita
- on February 8, 2011