Wallace40's Comments (4)

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Below are comments about Wallace40's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Hola Wallace:"Bambám" Me encantó !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Quisiera comprar uno grandote, el original.....Cuánto cuesta? Te vas a convertir en un pintor famoso. Ya lo verás!!!!! Te amo, titi Clarita.
-- Clarita
- on October 4, 2011
mi amor esta precioso te amo.
-- wallace
- on April 4, 2011
mi amor esta bello. esres el proximo picaso al fin un artista en la fam.
-- monica
- on April 4, 2011
Wallace this is a really nice art! Keep going God bless you and your hands too
-- Lynn
- on April 4, 2011