Antoinette91's Comments (11)

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Below are comments about Antoinette91's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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This looks delightfully delicious. I like how you has such a nice contrast of colors. The icing is light so it gives your eyes space to rest from all the business in the background.
-- L
- on May 7, 2014
I like how you put the strawberry on the top, it makes it look so sweet and delicious!! yum, yum, delicioso!
-- P
- on May 7, 2014
I love how you did the iron and on the side you diffent shapes and colers. love big sis, nayeli
-- nayeli
- on June 12, 2013
I love how you made thow's fire-works "spark" like there in 3D. love big sis, nayeli
-- nayeli
- on June 12, 2013
I love how you made the flowers pop out and how you made the flowers pop with thoes dimends. love your big sis, Nayeli
-- nayeli
- on June 12, 2013
You have created an excellent piece of art. This is beautiful! Did you enjoy working with the metal? What did you learn about Stuart Davis?
- Mary (teacher at Peggy Carnahan Elementary) on April 15, 2013
Wow, did this took a long time to fished?You did a great job, its amazing! Go cardinals
-- Yani
- on February 21, 2012
What a cute clown you made!
-- Yani
- on February 21, 2012
Love it, so happy hippo :)
-- Yani
- on February 21, 2012
What an awesome painting. Love it very creative and love the use of all those colors! Love mom
-- Yani
- on February 21, 2012
Hi, Antoinette, this is Mrs. Ryan. I loved your cardinal artwork! Must have taken alot of time making all those little pieces! Good work!
-- Mrs, Ryan
- on February 21, 2012