You have created an excellent piece of art. This is beautiful! Did you enjoy working with the metal? What did you learn about Stuart Davis?
- Mary (teacher at Peggy Carnahan Elementary) on April 15, 2013
Laci, I love your Fairy art piece! Keep on being creative! From, Mrs. De Leon -- Teresa
- on April 4, 2013
Laci, I love your birds! They look like they are peacefully watching the world around them. The background reminds me of a sunset. Good job! -- Ms.Wood
- on April 4, 2013
Laci! My favorite bird is the cardinal. You did a wonderful job! I like all of the details. Beautiful work~ -- Ms. Triplett
- on April 4, 2013
I love your sunflower Laci. Keep making beautiful pictures. I love you! -- Mom