Christopher7069's Comments (4)

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Below are comments about Christopher7069's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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We like all the detail you have in this Stuart Davis peice of art. The wiggly lines make a nice border for the top. You did a wonderful job drawing the cup. We like how you maximized all the space. Ms. Becher's class
-- Becher
- on April 30, 2013
You have created an excellent piece of art. This is beautiful! Did you enjoy working with the metal? What did you learn about Stuart Davis?
- Mary (teacher at Peggy Carnahan Elementary) on April 15, 2013
This sketch is wonderful! I like how you incorporated some of the elements seen in Stuart Davis's art work into your own sketch. (i.e. light bulb, glass, simple every day objects, etc.) What was your favorite part of this project?
- Mary (teacher at Peggy Carnahan Elementary) on April 15, 2013
Christopher, I like how you placed your winter owl in front of the moon. This is a nice winter scene.
-- Ms.Wood
- on February 14, 2012