Monet75's Comments (31)

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Below are comments about Monet75's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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I absolutely love your creativity on this picture. Its amazing how you cut out and glued on each little window. Keep up the good work. Love, Mom
-- Mom
- on February 8, 2011
Monet, Love your city picture. I liked your first picture, but so far, I think this is my favorite. Keep up the good work
-- Aunt Connie
- on February 7, 2011
Oh now this, I adore!! What a lovely picture of a "city view." The colors are perfect too! Keep 'em coming... Luv ya
-- Aunt Desi
- on January 31, 2011
You're so good girl
-- Monet
- on January 31, 2011
hey momo love the pic.U draw better then me.Hope to c u soon lil cus.
-- cianni
- on January 22, 2011
Your work is great keep it up
-- Monet
- on January 17, 2011
Hey girl, you've really out done yourself this time. I really love how you use color. What about that offer I made you last time. Still waiting for an answer. Beautiful picture
-- Aunt Connie
- on January 6, 2011
Monet this picture is very nice and I am so proud of you! Love, Mom
-- Mom
- on January 6, 2011
Monet, you are blowing my socks off, what good work!! Keep it up. Love, Ms. Karen
-- Karen
- on January 5, 2011
Nice job Monet!! Your artwork is very expressive!! I'm looking forward to the next one.
-- Aunt Desi
- on January 5, 2011
Hi Monet, This picture is so pretty. Love Aunt Tamara
-- Tamara
- on January 5, 2011
nice picture monet
-- samad
- on December 8, 2010
nice monet your picture is awesome .I like the way you put those colors in there.I never knew you were a artist. Next time I see you maybe we can do 1 together
-- Cianni
- on December 5, 2010
Great job little cousin, this is really good. I may need your expert opinion on coloring this spongebob picture in my new coloring book =)
-- Taron
- on December 4, 2010
Monet, I had no idea you were an artist. I always thought you'd be a model or a school teacher or even an actress. You are just full of surprises. This is such a beautiful picture. I'd like to buy some of your art work . Let me know how much you'd charge me for a signed picture. Don't wait to long, I want to get one before you get too famous and then I won't be able to afford it. I am so proud of you. Keep up the good work.
-- Aunt Connie
- on December 4, 2010
Hey Monet, I love your picture! You never told me you were such a talented artist. When are you going to draw a picture for me? Next time I see you at church, we'll talk. Love, Ms. Jameela
-- Jameela
- on December 4, 2010
Hi Monet, Your picture is so beautiful. The detail and coloring are amazing, I really love it, I'm so proud of you. Love Aunt Tammy
-- Tamara
- on December 2, 2010
Yo Go Girl!!! This picture looks exactly like me when I get up in the morning, how did you know?
-- Mrs. Karen
- on December 2, 2010
This is nice Mone't. Keep up the good work -Munie
-- Munir
- on December 1, 2010
WOW! Monet, you have realy out done yourself with this one . I knew you were talented but this much talent is to much for one so young. I implore you to continue. Today the internet tomorrow the world. This picture has so much attitude, great job. Love Pop,Pop. Big up's to the school on this project
-- James
- on December 1, 2010
Nice work Monet75! I look forward to seeing the next piece.
-- DrDinky
- on December 1, 2010
Monet, this is a awesome work of art. Always let your artistic side shine....
-- Terris
- on December 1, 2010
Excellent Art Work Monet Keep It Up.
-- Chris
- on December 1, 2010
WOW, when did u take a picture of me!!?? That is exactly what my hair looks like. This is a wonderful picture. I love all the colors and shapes! I'll start the bidding at $1 billion dollars!!!
-- Ceciley - CJ
- on December 1, 2010
This is so nice DAD
-- Bernard
- on December 1, 2010
Wow! Who knew that you were creative like me? I absolutely love it!!
-- Desi
- on December 1, 2010
This picture is beautiful Monet your a great artist love it :)
-- DejaVu
- on December 1, 2010
yesssss Monet do your thing girl I love your work and I signed up for your fan club can't wait to see more of your published art work
-- Domonique
- on December 1, 2010
Good Job you are the best love Dad
-- Bernard
- on December 1, 2010
Very pretty and creative!!!
-- Manilla
- on December 1, 2010
Wow!!! This is absolutely beautiful and I am very proud of you!!!
-- Mom
- on December 1, 2010