Erika1249's Comments (9)

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Below are comments about Erika1249's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Erika you are really getting good at artwork. I love this punpkin person
-- Claudette
- on November 15, 2011
All your artwork has been colorful and special this year but my favorite is the butterfly Probable because I like butterflys alot. Keep up the good work
-- meme
- on July 18, 2011
This is a great picture. look just a good as the butterfly you have in a frame at home.
-- Norman- Pop Pop
- on July 18, 2011
This is a great picture. look just a good as the butterfly you have in a frame at home.
-- Norman
- on June 7, 2011
Erika, you are doing such a great job with your art work this year. Love all your creations!
-- Claudette
- on June 6, 2011
Erika, I love your snowman, it is very appropriate with all the snow we have outside.
-- Claudette
- on April 25, 2011
Erika, I love your Valentine Art. It is really pretty.
-- Claudette
- on April 25, 2011
Erika, You did a really great job on your picture of Mary, Joseph, and the Baby Jesus. Keep up the good work.
-- Claudette
- on April 25, 2011
Erika Nice job. Is this one mine? Love Meme and Pop Pop xxoo
-- linda
- on January 30, 2011