Chase3406's Comments (7)

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Below are comments about Chase3406's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Ok...this is SO much better than the race car I got! I can't wait for some real artwork from you!!!
-- Terri
- on July 21, 2011
Awesome artwork bud =] ily <3
-- Caitie
- on July 14, 2011
Chase, I am proud of your hard work in art class, and I love the way you are creating artwork on your own outside of the classroom and posting it to! Keep up the great work, and I am so glad to have you as my art student again this year!
-- Mrs. Tompkins
- on March 10, 2011
Chase, I am so happy to learn that grandparents can leave comments on your art work! This is so great! What were you thinking when you drew this picture? We will talk about this picture when I see you. Love grame
-- Lois
- on March 6, 2011
Nice picture Chase. Is this Daisy? Perhaps you should begin leaving notes with each one so you can remember what they are? Great job, Grandpa grumpy
-- Raymond
- on February 18, 2011
Chase, you are a fantastic artist! I love you bud! -MOM
-- Mom
- on February 14, 2011
Chase this is an awesome job! I am so proud of you-POP
-- Jamie
- on December 11, 2010