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Isaiah2439's Comments
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Below are comments about Isaiah2439's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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GREAT JOB ISAIAH JAKEB!!!!!! Mommy and daddy are so PROUD of you baby!!!!
- on February 11, 2015
Quite the artist!!! Keep it up!
-- Sandra
- on February 11, 2015
Very nice work Isaiah! Papaw and Nana are very proud of you!!! We love you!!
-- Nana
- on December 3, 2012
Good job Isaiah. I like your drawling!
-- Jeremiah
- on December 3, 2012
good job bub. You are doing a great job with your art! love you
-- daddy
- on December 3, 2012
Isaiah, I am so proud of you!! You are doing an awesome job baby!!!!! I love you!!!
-- mommy
- on December 3, 2012
Keep up the good work little buddy! Nice!!!
-- sandra
- on December 3, 2012
USA! USA!! Great job Isaiah
-- Mommy
- on May 28, 2012
soo beautiful!! LOve it!!
-- Mommy
- on May 28, 2012
-- Mommy
- on May 28, 2012
Isaiah, each one of you art works keeps getting better and better!!! I am soooo proud of you!!!!
-- Mommy
- on May 28, 2012
oh wow!!! this is so cool!!!! You are a very good artist!!!! Love you baby boy!!!
-- Mommy
- on May 28, 2012
aww this is so beautiful babydoll. I love the animal in you art!!! Love you bunches and bunches!!!!!
-- Mommy
- on May 28, 2012
Great Idea!!! Loving this!!! ANd I love you!!! BEAUTIFUL!!!!!
-- Mommy
- on May 28, 2012
I LOVE THIS!!!!! You are doing a GREAT job!!!! Mommy, daddy, & Jeremiah loves you sooo much!!!
-- mommy
- on May 28, 2012
OH WOW!!!! You are going such a great job baby boy!!! We are very proud of you!!!!
-- Mommy
- on May 28, 2012
Great Job little buddy!!!!
-- Sandra
- on May 28, 2012
Hey, little man I like it!
-- Sandra
- on May 28, 2012
Keep up the great work little buddy!!!!!
-- Sandra
- on May 28, 2012
Eli said that this one is his favorite!!! You are doing a very good job! Keep up the good work! We love you, Missy & Eli
-- Missy
- on May 28, 2012
Great Job Isaiah, Keep it up!!! Love, Sandra & Family
-- Sandra
- on May 28, 2012
aww baby. You are doing such a awsome job!!! mommy and daddy are so proud of you!!!! Keep up the good work!!!!
-- mommy
- on June 1, 2011
Great job Isaiah Love your work!!!!
-- Sandra
- on June 1, 2011
Keep up the good work Isaiah
-- Sandra
- on June 1, 2011
Isaiah, Mommy and daddy are so proud! You art keeps getting better and better!! I cant wait to see what you draw next!!!
-- Angela
- on April 20, 2011
Isaiah, We are proud of you!!! I really enjoyed your drawing!!!!
-- Sandra
- on April 20, 2011
Great Job!! Keep up the good work!!
-- patty
- on April 7, 2011
Good Job, Isaiah!!! All of your drawings are AWESOME!!! We Love You, Missy & Eli
-- Missy
- on April 7, 2011
Isaiah, THIS IS SOOOOOO GOOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You wook keeps getting better and better!!! I LOVE THIS AND YOU!!!!!!!!!!!Keep up the good work!!
-- Mommy
- on April 7, 2011
Isaiah you keep getting better& better!!!! Im soooooo proud of you!!!! Keep up the good work!!!!
-- mommy
- on February 11, 2011
Isaiah!!!!! This is so AWSOME!!!!!! IM so PROUD of you!!!!!!!
-- mommy
- on February 11, 2011
Good job Isaiah we enjoyed this artwork! Love,Sandra,Ronnie&Trevor
-- Sandra
- on February 11, 2011
Isaiah, You did a great job!!!! Keep up the good work!!!! Love,Sandra,Ronnie&Trevor
-- Sandra
- on February 11, 2011
Isaiah, momma and daddy are so proud of you!!! Your art is aoooo AWSOME!!!!!! I love you sweetie
- on January 27, 2011