Wow Janelle!! This is great! Very creative. I love it. Poppi -- Mike
- on February 12, 2014
Janelle, This reminds me of celebrations and Christmas. It was wonderful spending Christmas 2013 with you, Jordyn, Momma, and Daddy. Our happy memories make great presents. Today is veerrry c-o-l-d, so I'm catching up on posting comments on your artwork. It has made me warm inside. Love, Grammi -- Grammi
- on January 15, 2014
Janelle, You did a great job with matching, duplicating, your images on both sides of your paper. This looks like it would make a lovely piece of jewelry, like a brooch. Love, Grammi -- Grammi
- on January 15, 2014
Janelle, Your fluid and translucent artwork is just that and lovely. These also look like something you viewed under your microscope??? Love, Grammi -- Grammi
- on January 15, 2014
Janelle, I really like this work. I must ask you about some of your favorite things that I don't know about or recognize. Funny, it took me a long time to realize that it wasn't you in the top right corner, peering at your things. When I saw it up close, I understood it was your most favorite thing - an owl. Love, Grammi -- Grammi
- on January 15, 2014
Janelle, I like all your artwork involving this box and sculptures. Your birdies are very cute. I'm glad they are not angry birds! Love, Grammi -- Grammi
- on January 15, 2014
Janelle, What a great drawing you did! It takes me right back to the zoo and the Best Day ever! Wasn't the National Zoo fun?! Baby panda, Bao Bao, made her first public appearance today. I really wish you where here so we could have seen her together. Of course, I always wish we were together. -- Grammi
- on January 7, 2014
Janelle, this looks like the National Zoo to me. It sure was fun seeing all those animals. Love Poppi -- Mike
- on January 15, 2014
Janelle, What a great picture!! It's that you with your hair blown back? love Poppi -- Mike
- on November 26, 2013
This artwork shows that you understand the idea of using the concept of symmetry to show balance.
- Elizabeth (teacher at Wakefield Elementary School) on October 29, 2013
Your images successfully communicate ideas about you.
- Elizabeth (teacher at Wakefield Elementary School) on October 28, 2013
Janelle-sometimes I feel like this too! I love you! -- Grammi
- on April 24, 2013
Great self-portrait Janelle!!!! You are such a great artist! -- Michelle
- on February 6, 2013
Kitten, Sock Monkey is one of our favorites, too! So are bananas, but most of all is YOU!! Love, Grammi -- Grammi
- on February 6, 2013
Janelle, I think the monkey is saying banana, nana, bo bana, fi, fi, fo, fana, BANANA!! I love it. Poppi -- Mike
- on February 6, 2013
Janelle, What a great painting!! I love receiving your artwork! Love Poppi -- Mike
- on February 6, 2013
Janelle, This is a beautiful painting!! I love it. Poppi -- Mike
- on November 2, 2012
Kitten, I bet Mickey Mouse is one of your favorite things - even if you were not a kitten! Also, all the colors here are the same as M-A-R-Y-L-A-N-D's flag. That makes me wish you were here! (I always find something that makes me wish we were together.) Love, Grammi
- on August 29, 2012
Janelle, Poppi said it all about 'Beach Days.' What a great job! We hope you had a great summer and enjoyed your vacation South Bethany Beach with us. I would like to print this as a poster for the beach house - like I did for your 'Fish' picture. Love, Grammi
- on August 29, 2012
Wow Janelle!! This one is beautiful! Do you remember seeing the dolphins at Bethany? I see you included some MONSTER waves like the ones you were diving under and riding in. I miss being with you, Jordyn, and Mommy and Daddy at the beach. -- Mike
- on August 16, 2012
Wow!! I wonder what is inside the package? I bet it's something special. Very good Janelle! -- Poppi (Mike)
- on August 11, 2012
Kitten! I would love to know what the kitty in the center is saying. Probably raving about the pretty rug and furniture in this drawing. These sure are cute kitties. Love, Grammi -- Grammi
- on August 11, 2012
Janelle, I think I saw a "puddycat". I love it. Love Poppi -- Mike
- on August 11, 2012
Wow Janelle! I love it! I really like your use of color and they way you included the heart is great. Love Poppi -- Mike
- on August 11, 2012
Oh Nellie! How I wish I could kiss your sweet face! Great job! I would have known your drawing of yourself anywhere. Miss you and love you! -- Grammi
- on August 11, 2012
Janelle, I think this is one of your best! I'm going to get a coffee mug with this one on it. 2 - 4 - 6 - 8, who do we think is GREAT? Nellie, Nellie, Nellie, Nellie! Love Poppi -- Mike
- on August 11, 2012
Janelle this is my favorite picture! I love polka dots and you chose such great colors!! Keep up the beautiful artwork! I am your biggest fan. Aunt Michelle -- Michelle
- on August 11, 2012
Janelle, I love your tree and I'm so proud of your artwork. Please keep sending them to me. Love, Poppi -- Mike
- on August 11, 2012
Janelle, Your art work is like your heart - beautiful! This is a great way to see your work. You are the cat's (or kitten's) meow. Love you so! Grammi -- Grammi
- on December 15, 2011
Janelle, I love the colors you selected. Please keep sending me your artwork. See you later, alligator. Poppi
- on December 14, 2011
Dear Janelle, I enjoyed your art very much! I like the bright colors you choose to use (hey, that rhymes!) Don't tell Gaga, but I'm going to order a coffee mug with one of your pictures on it for him for Christmas. It will be hard to decide which one! Love, Nanna -- Nanna